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Applying for tags question

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My daughter is nine and will be ten in April. She is not old enough for hunter ed yet. So here are my questions. Can I have her apply for elk and antelope this winter? Does she have to be 10 when she graduates hunter ed or 10 to even start hunter ed? If I can't get a definitive answer here, I'll call Game and Fish. I checked the regs and know they have to have hunter ed and be at least 10 to hunt big game. Thanks for your help.

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she can apply when she is 9 but if she is not drawn no bonus point will be given becouse she has to be ten at the time of the draw.she also has to be 10 at the day of the last class from the hunter ed. I would recommend go ahead and let her go through the class even if she is not 10 yet and then have her take the new one line class after she turns ten. hope this helps ?

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She has to be 10 at the time of the hunt and she has to be 10 when she GRADUATES the class. Most definately put her in for the up coming draw. If she turns 10 in April that will give her a few months to get her class passed for the upcoming hunts. Bowhunter4life is correct on the bonus point if she is not drawn she will not get a bonus point this year.(it happened to my youngest this year)because she was not old enough at the time of the draw. They recognize her age at the time that the hunt takes place so there is no issue there.


All three of my girls had the same issues that you are faced with but we did not have nearly enough time as you do seeing that her b-day is in April.


Talk to Pam in the hunter ed department if you have any other questions. She worked a miracle for my 10 yr old this year.

She turned 10 in mid Nov. and her cow hunt started in the first week of Dec. Pam made it happen.


Good luck on the draw!!!

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Thank you both for the replies. I am going to try and get my wife to do hunter ed. with her so she can get an extra bonus point.

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