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2018 elk regs

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This is typically what happens after El Nino period which we had 2015 - the first 4 months of 2017

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Does anybody know of a way to place the drawing odds and success rate on an excel doc? I tried copy and paste but no success.


When you paste it into Excel it'll paste it in as a big string of text. Luckily the two things you want are on the right side of the text. You can easily enough extract them using excel's "right" and "left" functions. To extract the draw odds you can use the code "=LEFT(RIGHT(A1,5),2)" and to extract the success rate just use the code "=RIGHT(A1,2)" assuming your data is in cell A1. Does that help?

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Does anybody know of a way to place the drawing odds and rate on an excel doc? I tried copy and paste but no success.


When you paste it into Excel it'll paste it in as a big string of text. Luckily the two things you want are on the right side of the text. You can easily enough extract them using excel's "right" and "left" functions. To extract the draw odds you can use the code "=LEFT(RIGHT(A1,5),2)" and to extract the success rate just use the code "=RIGHT(A1,2)" assuming your data is in cell A1. Does that help?




You nailed it! Thanks

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Have not heard any reports of the elk dying off from lack of water, the elk are still around and getting what they need. Normal strategy is just not working. Adjust technique and go hunting. Good luck on the next draw.

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Oh man not this again already, I havnt prepped the wife yet!!!! I just got back from the last elk hunt!!!!

Only 59 days until apps are due! :)

Anybody considering not applying if we don't see rain in 58 days? Of course don't forget to apply for the pt..

Why would you do that?
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Earlier opener this year for Archery, or does it stay the same? I know it goes back and forth! ;)

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