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cow hunts

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I hunted 1st 3 days w/ my 76 year old friend. Saw a spike w/ a cow and calf opening morning. Saw nothing after that. He hunted last 3 days by himself and saw 2 cows. Tough hunt.

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Last 2 years late cow hunt didn't look or sound very good from my point of view and others I talked to. Although my dad tagged out this year we didn't see much. I'm guessing the shot we had might have been our only opportunity. Unit 8 last year we didn't see 1 elk on my buddies tag, even with snow we found very few trails. Scouting we had some on camera in 8 but hunt time we couldnt figure where they went.

This year I scouted 6b 4 total days and had good luck but during the hunt in 5 days we saw 4 cows.

There was sign all over 6b in every spot we went but with the lack of weather a lot of it was hard to say how old it was. When the pressure hits they know where to go for sure. They do their thing at night and hide out all day.

Every other hunter I talked to in 6b said they had seen 1 or 2 running off but that was it. A lot of guys sitting water. This hunt had a lot of pressure and hunters in my opinion, compared to the few I've been on anyway.

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Definitely a tough year in 8. We saw one group late opening evening and my boy got one shot off quick. Did not connect. Sign and tracks everywhere just couldn't cross paths with them.

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