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A season for the books

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When I found out what tag I had drawn I had high hopes but never expected it to turn out like it did. But it was fun and spent good time with good people. The first day I was solo and had help on the way well kinda my friend Mike came to help glass. First day I had glassed up 9 doe that night Mike and I set up camp and first light had us picking up multiple doe and fawn that afternoon Mike found 5 bucks at 946 yards just before dark. We made a few different plans for the morning. post-5984-0-91069800-1512957566_thumb.jpg

As the sun came up we started to find deer but not the bucks from the night before but we did find a buck but I decided not to go after him because it was a small 2x2. We glassed for the next few days in the morning and then trying to fill our crane tags in the afternoon with no success. Mike went home and I did the same do to getting a second job and had a few things to do for it. Well that was all done by 10 am and I was back in the hills. Within 10 min I had a buck glassed up and he gave me the slip. The next day me and my dad go out (at 68 I am glad he still gets out and hunts his butt off) it starts to snow on us and not 2 days ago we had t shirts on post-5984-0-52674800-1512958054_thumb.jpg

We manage to get him on a buck and it just didn't work out. I get home and I happen to read 1uglydude post and that made me think and lead me to ask my kids if they would like to go camping I only get them on the weekends and they where over the moon excited to go so I spent Sat and Sun with them in the field enjoying the time we have on this earth together post-5984-0-25800800-1512958368_thumb.jpgpost-5984-0-80117700-1512958394_thumb.jpgpost-5984-0-99616500-1512958421_thumb.jpgpost-5984-0-96344100-1512958452_thumb.jpgpost-5984-0-17247600-1512958486_thumb.jpgpost-5984-0-88036900-1512958532_thumb.jpg

Did I kill a deer no did I enjoy my time with friends and family yes was I successfull I say yes in 10 days we glassed up close to 100 deer and about 10 where bucks I wouldn't never change my time with my kids for anything in the world thank God we all are happy and healthy and pray for those who may not be.

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I agree 100% I still like to go on adventures with my dad and step dad. You never get to old for that

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awsum post especially hunting with the kids and family.


our hunt was miserable from the day we left phx to the day we set up camp, than on the way back. Planned on 5 days some home and go for 4 more days. Due to being busy at work and vehicle problems and not getting any sleep(not just one but both,towed her jeep) . we hunted 3 days and still had a blast, the hunting part was fantastic. The kids a nutjob just like all kids they can make the best out of a bad time.


she got to draw on quite a few bulls, shot at 2 or 3, was with in a few yards belly crawling under the scrubs. Watched a few rake trees tear up the ground and fight all with in 10- 50 yards. she was estatic.


the one picture with her standing on the cliff I dotn think she will ever do that again with out her bow, as she was miffed cause I was blowing the bugle and went to look over the edge wanted a pic. to the right of her by the rocks not more than 30 seconds after the pic a decent bull bugled about 10 yards away and no bow. he was coming I grabbed her bow and handed it to her. it was a cat and mouse game for 20-30 mins with that bull. then all the way back to the truck he walked but it was dark and we barely made him out. I got to sit back and watch her belly craw under scrubs, sneak up on it and even say to the bull when they were face to face " WOW you have pretty EYES" I shi t you not.


lots of fun the last 3 elk hunts with her, yup she hunted same unit same season 3 years in a row of them of I signed over to her.


this is a good thread people should keep it going.




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