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How bout them Devils!

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What happened to the missing trphyhntr post? It disappeared? Oh, sorry. Continue talking about your balls and the black dudes that hold them. My bad!

yeah , what happened prolly “scantly” got his panties in a bunch over nothing but good fun. Who knows it amazes me of the stuff they let go and the stuff they let go on. Whatever!!
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I wonder when the Nazi's, I mean the NCAA will come and make them quit the curtian......BOB!

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Sorry Casey, I forgot you cant read. The title of the topic is How about those Sun Devils.


Well how about them?


How about their two time Natl Champion womens decathlon Team?

How about their wrestlers?

How about their womens gymnasts?

How about their womens lacrosse team?

How about their womens basketball team?

How about their hockey team?

The list goes on and on.

All are far and away superior to the U of Pay and their wannabe internet trolls.


Football attendance for all these die hard wannabes is so pathetic U of Pay is actually DECREASING the football stadium capacity. That is PATHETIC!!! Why dont some of you wannabes get off your key boards and go support the school that you supposedly love so much?

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I thought ASU was both a women's and men's school? Don't they have any men's sports programs?

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Robert, I mentioned wrestling and hockey. Arent those mens sports? Oh yea, U of Pay doesnt know about those sports. Sorry, my bad.

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