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ISO bow for teenager

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Hey guys I'm looking for a bow for my 14 yr old. He's at that awkward age. He 14 5'10. He thinks he can pull 70# but 40 45 is more like it. I don't want to buy him a high end bow till probably high school grad. But want one he can use from now till then. Thank u guys any info or one for sale is greatly appreciated. Thanks again.

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Go to ebay or amazon find a hoyt ignite from 2016. Great price on ebay for last years models brand new in the box and are excellent bows that will grow with your boy. Super easy for you to change the draw length on and the right model will go up past 60 lbs.

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If you look at the bottom of the classified page there is a thread for "looking for youth bow", inside of their member couesmagnet has a diamond BowTech never been used for 125.

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Look at the diamond infinity edge. Super adjustable. 5-70 pounds. Draw length from 13-31 inches. Bought one for my 13 yr old daughter. My buddy also bought one for his 14 yr old boy who is about the same size as yours.

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I am learning to shoot a bow using a Mission (by Mathews). I think the bow has made getting tight groups sooooooo easy. Earlier attempts with other folks bows led to lost arrows. Funny thing, people seem to not like losing arrows and called the lesson off quickly. My first shot with the mission went right to the bullseye.

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My son used a PSE Stinger for a few years. Very adjustable. I've seen them at Sportsmans for $300.


i bought a stinger for my 16 y.o. daughter this year as she had out grown her old Parker youth bow. Very nice shooting little bow for the price. She shoot's out to 40 yards with it pretty well. Plenty of steam, even at 33# draw weight.

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