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Non-Typical Solutions

Lions Club Scholarship Denied

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No wonder people struggle with Pubic Education these days!


Make sure you make it all the way to the last paragraph!!!



Schools reject controversial scholarship
By Alice Kang |
Posted: Wed 3:11 PM, Nov 08, 2017

(WMTV) — A high school in Wisconsin is no longer accepting a $500 scholarship from a local Lions Club after a stipulation required recipients to be U.S. citizens.

Lake Mason Lions Club Spokesperson, Ralph Jacobsen said this has been a requirement for the past five years.

School officials said they did not see it until this year, saying there was a handwritten note stating the group wanted the requirement of being a U.S. citizen underlined.

Wisconsin Dells High School Principal, Hugh Gaston said that raised red flags and the district felt the scholarship requirements were not fair for all students.

"Regardless of if they were born in Baraboo and grew up a block from the school, or if they were born in another country and they came here legally or illegally, I still think it's our mission to serve and connect with all students regardless of their background," said Gaston.

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Guest akaspecials
  On 11/14/2017 at 6:53 PM, Non-Typical Solutions said:

Wisconsin Dells High School Principal, Hugh Gaston said that raised red flags and the district felt the scholarship requirements were not fair for all students.



What's not fair is prohibiting American students from taking an opportunity just because it's closed to non citizens. That's a slippery slope to tread on.


We’re gonna be the USSA soon if these commies gain anymore ground.

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Lots of scholarships come with specific requirements attached. Would this principle favor Banning scholarships from the United Negro College Fund because they did not provide scholarships to white, hispanic, Asian, or Native American students?

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My sister-in-law, who is Hispanic received a $2,000 scholarship from the united negro college fund back in the early 90's. I even asked her how that happened and she told me their scholarship fund was under-subscribed so they opened it up to other minorities.


By the way, I do not agree with this principal. Virtually every scholarship out there has some sort of minimum requirements to apply. I would think the minimum GPA requirement eliminates far more applicants than being a US Citizen. I wonder if he will prohibit all his students for applying for them as well?


For the life of me I can't understand what has happened to our country over the last decade or so. I keep hoping I will wake up from a bad dream.

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Well, with the way many of these "educators" are heading, they WILL want all "qualifications" removed so that EVERYONE can have a scholarship. It is the "right" of every student to be given a scholarship after all.....

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Very simple dont go to that school just like people are doing to TUSD. The Lions Club can now give their money to a more deserving school.

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  On 11/15/2017 at 6:33 PM, StickFlicker said:

Coming soon..."Participation" Scholarships! :)

Pretty sure thats already happening. Man I remember seeing a group training when in was in boot camp and it was similar to OCS I said i wanted to do that and my company commander said you can't and when i asked why he said i was white and my scores were too high, it is a special group that requires non white and has lower test score requirements to get in. So my scores were too low for normal OCS but too high and I was to white for the other. :/ just what we need is folks that don't quite cut the mustard being given preference points for skin color. 😡 guess it was a sort of affirmative action OCS. Btw this would be last year that NTC Dan Diego was open 1993

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  On 11/16/2017 at 6:08 AM, hoghntr said:


  On 11/15/2017 at 6:33 PM, StickFlicker said:

Coming soon..."Participation" Scholarships! :)

Pretty sure thats already happening. Man I remember seeing a group training when in was in boot camp and it was similar to OCS I said i wanted to do that and my company commander said you can't and when i asked why he said i was white and my scores were too high, it is a special group that requires non white and has lower test score requirements to get in. So my scores were too low for normal OCS but too high and I was to white for the other. :/ just what we need is folks that don't quite cut the mustard being given preference points for skin color. guess it was a sort of affirmative action OCS. Btw this would be last year that NTC Dan Diego was open 1993


Heaven forbid you select the person most qualified for the job!!!!!!!!!!

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  On 11/14/2017 at 8:50 PM, 300RUM said:

Lots of scholarships come with specific requirements attached. Would this principle favor Banning scholarships from the United Negro College Fund because they did not provide scholarships to white, hispanic, Asian, or Native American students?

that's racist

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Years back I had an individual who was going door-to-door looking for donations for UNCF try to put a guilt trip on me for being a racist because I declined to contribute. I had to politely explain to said individual that I was by no means a racist and I did have a policy of not contributing to racist organizations. I continued to point out that the organization he was representing consistently used race as the basis to choose who they provided Aid. Because he chose to represent them I figured he was the racist. The poor guy guy about had a meltdown at the end of that conversation. I am in no way condemning UNCF, I think what they do is great. The fact remains that they, and other scholarship funds, provide assistance based on an individual's race. In my book that's racial discrimination.

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