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First Deer

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My Wife was lucky enough to draw a 3a/3c rifle tag this year with 2 points. She got tag 99 out of 100 and i proceeded to let her know exactly how lucky she was. Unfortunately due to our work schedule, having a young kid at home, and her medical condition we were unable to get much scouting in for the hunt. I was not to worried about that however because I have spent so much time in the unit, had the tag 2 in the last 5 years, and would have help and extra eyes to glass. Being her first hunt it was a bit of a struggle at first, forgot how much patients one must have with a new hunter and especially when that new hunter is your wife. First few days we saw lots of deer and had 4 really good opportunities. Her inexperience got in the way but she did not get down and just learned from what went wrong. On Halloween morning everything came together. I was able to glass two decent first bucks feeding among a heard of elk. they were about 800 yards out and the wind was perfect. We made our move and got with about 300 yard. I wanted to get a little closer and get her prone so we bellied crawled the last 50 yards we could and got her set up. I got her set up on the deer and got them in the binos to watch the show. I told her to shoot the biggest buck which was the one higher on the ridge. He was a really nice 5x4 that was about 28" with good mass and tine length. I asked her if she was on him and she confirmed she was ready. i whispered for her to squeeze the trigger and Bang!!!...all of the sudden the smaller 4x3 kicks and starts running and digging his grave. The deer made it 20 yards and piled up, perfect double lung shot. While i was watching the deer expire i turned to see my wife panicking asking if she Got'em. I gave her a big hug and said he is down but you shot the WRONG ONE! we laughed and told her i was proud of her and that it was a very respectable first deer. She was ecstatic when we walked up on it and saw how heavy it was and that it had double eye guards on one side as well as a flat palmated eye guard on the opposite side. Turned out to be a great hunt and was also able to help a good friend fill his tag later that evening. Fun hunt, Great Memories, and now a wife that's hooked on hunting





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Well at least when you said shoot the biggest buck she didn't actually shoot a bull! That's still a great buck I'd shoot it any day of the week.

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I think we might have seen that big boy when we went on my boys cow hunt. Nice deer!!

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thanks guys for the comments, my wife keeps checking the page and I think she is starting to realize she is a little spoiled for a first deer. Told her it was a great deer, think she needed some confirmation haha. hope we can get the tag again in the next few years

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I just got back from a week-long hunt and never saw a buck that nice. Congratulations to your wife.

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