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Jimmer Negamanee

German Shepherd Dog 36B

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I was driving eastbound on out of 36B on the Ruby Rd. on Sunday evening (10/29/17). Not far past Peña Blanca Lake, I saw this German Shepherd Dog in the middle of the road. She looked young and was very skinny but very sweet. I couldn't see a collar on her. I'd say she's a purebred GSD.


I was packed to the gills in my Xterra (not with venison, unfortunately) so I didn't have any room to bring her home or I confess I would have tried to catch her. She was clearly looking for a hand-out.


So if any Southern Arizonan's are missing a GSD, here's a point last seen. If anyone rescues her but can't keep her, I know someone who will adopt her. (Assuming she's not a local resident's dog, which I doubt.) Just PM me. Here's a picture:


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Cant lie, I woulda put her on my lap no matter how full I was.

I was THIS close to doing that. But she would have literally been on my lap because there was no other room for her.
dog and driving, safer than texting and driving..... sorta lol. I have 4 now, woulda been really hard not to make it 5. I feel your pain, I love dogs.
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Nice dog. How was your hunt?

It's always great to be down there and I had a blast. No deer for me but a young kid who was with us took his first buck (a forkie, on the last day).


It was hot and dry. Big tanks still had water and some springs were still running but there were a lot of dry tanks and springs. The grass was as low and sparse as I've ever seen it. I only saw one doe with twin fawns which is rather unusual and it seemed like fewer fawns overall but that's just by observation, nothing scientific.


I heard the the monsoon was weird this year. The locals said the monsoon hit in July like normal and everything greened up then it just stopped.

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Saw a good looking boxer in the same area a few years ago.

I think that's where I'll be next week, hope the shepherd found a home, If not, may be kind of hard to explain to my wife..... Honey, I went deer hunting and found this dog.....

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