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Is it just me, or has there been lots of AMAZING Youth Hunter success this year!

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Anyone who knows me knows that I am an absolute FREAK for Junior hunts! My kids are all young adults now, so their official youth hunting days are over. I'm of course fortunate to still hunt with them whenever possible, even though adulthood, college, life, etc. makes it harder to corral them up. In fact, I'll be out on the early hunt with my oldest son next weekend, and I can't wait! I know we'll be reliving many of the old times around the fire, and that is awesome to think about!


That being said, I of course can't help but notice all of the success stories and pics being posted this year! Maybe folks are just posting more success stories or something, but it feels like this has been a great year! There are over 30 recent success stories here in the Youth Hunters forum! Keep posting them up!! SO AWESOME!!!


Keep getting them out there moms, dads (and all other mentors)! Good stuff!!!






PS: I hope to be down at the 36A Jr. camp helping out over Thanksgiving weekend! Say hello if you have a kid there!

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Stanley, im about 99% sure you gave me the claw my son still is using to this day. I will pass it along here shortly as he is getting a bit older.

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I love seeing and reading of the success and learning opportunities of the youth hunts. I'm fortunate to be still sharing in my daughter's and look forward to them more than any other hunt of the year!

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Congratulations to all the youth hunters that are getting out and enjoying their hunts . Without the help of parents , uncles and aunt's and friends that tag along because they want to --thanks to all of you memories are made to last a lifetime .

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This time of year, it seems there's so much going on at work. As I read each of these youth hunter success stories I really want to respond with more than a "great job" reply. These youth hunters are the future of hunting in this state, and let's be honest, this is one of the last places to have so much open public land, so much opportunity.


I just want to say a huge congrats to all the youth hunters out there getting their first taste of the hunt, and especially all the dads, moms - families out there getting behind them and making incredible memories that will ultimately play a huge role in shaping the way these kids think about hunting.


Good role models teaching ethics-based hunting, is going to give these kids a solid foundation to preserve our sport, our land and our heritage. Thanks to all of you, and again, huge congrats to those young people out there learning and getting ready to carry the torch.

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It is because we have a lot of amazing YOUTHS and PARENTS that take their kids into the feild and teach them the ways.

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