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Best mapping software I have found.

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Free 30 day demo. Fully functioning.


Download, view and print topos for the entire country.

Download, view and print aerial photos for the entire country

Transfer waypoints and routes to and from your GPS.

Mark a spot on the topo, switch views and the spot is shown on the corresponding photo.



I have the Delorme 3dtopos too and it is good, but it does not do aerial photos, is only for Arizona and it cost $100. This is a great tool for looking at terrain when you are planning / scouting for an out of state hunt.

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Hey DB.


have you used it?

If so how would you compare?

I saw some pros and cons but only looked at the web site

didn't try the free demo because I am back on my wifes lap top.

My flippen computer at home died of a double heart attact :huh:

I took out 2 hard drives at once :angry:

Guess I should leave the cover on the CPU <_<

I found out it is not a good idea to put a 454CID in a Model T :huh:


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Hey DB.


have you used it?

If so how would you compare?

I saw some pros and cons but only looked at the web site

didn't try the free demo because I am back on my wifes lap top.

My flippen computer at home died of a double heart attact :huh:

I took out 2 hard drives at once :angry:

Guess I should leave the cover on the CPU <_<

I found out it is not a good idea to put a 454CID in a Model T :huh:




I have not used Topo USA.


I recently went through the dreaded dead computer routine too. It sucks.

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I found out it is not a good idea to put a 454CID in a Model T :huh: :lol: Bummer

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It takes a little digging, but you can get USGS Quads off these sites for free:


New Mexico GIS:


http://sar.lanl.gov/maps_by_name.html - my preferred site.




http://aria.cals.arizona.edu/ - just enter your email when you want to download

http://sar.lanl.gov/maps_by_name.html - good for finding out where private/public land is


And of course -



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