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Daughter's First Squirrels

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Last Friday morning, during Fall Break for her school and on my day off, Sydney and I went out squirrel hunting. Like her brother, she's been asking for over a year and she didn't want to be outdone by his new squirrel hunting success. She got all three she shot at and I got one of the two I shot at. Two more gave us the slip. Her last squirrel got the last laugh, though, when it landed perfectly on the seat of a ladder stand 15 feet up! "How do I get it down?" "YOU have to climb up and get it!" She had to climb up to get it down and I got a good laugh!


Then her hunting season came to an end Saturday morning in Phoenix when she broke her big toe in a soccer game. We're still not sure how she did it, since it was a routine clear/save as a goalie. She turned around to head back to the net after kicking the ball away, took one step, and collapsed. We're on our way to the foot surgeon today to get a better prognosis after a trip to an urgent care (no disrespect intended). The doc at urgent care emphasized getting her to a foot specialist right away so we can form a plan that doesn't involve surgery (it was that bad of a break). The worst part was watching her get mad at herself for letting her team down. She was in the middle of a great shutout and we found out her team ended up losing 6-0. Its going to be a long two months for ALL of us with her in a boot (can't put weight on it) and no soccer, running, or hunting. She did say "At least I got my elk tag filled and don't have any other hunts planned this year!"


So enjoy the pics, but please also say a prayer for a quick recovery.







Squirrel landed on the tree stand seat!




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Great job on the fuzzy tailed friends and prayers sent for a speedy but also full recovery of the toe.

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Love this, nice job guys

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Great job on the fuzzy tailed friends and prayers sent for a speedy but also full recovery of the toe.


Your prayers are working, Phil! The orthopedic foot doc said yesterday, there is absolutely no need for surgery. These next two weeks are critical for her healing, but she should make a quick, full recovery and be back to soccer in 4-6 weeks! We go back for follow-up x-rays in four weeks and will know more then, but its looking great so far! I should send you a soccer schedule sometime so we can actually meet up and you can watch her play!

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