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Heading to California. Can I take my pistol?

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We are driving to southern California soon from southern AZ for a family vacation.


I carry my pistol daily.


I know California does not care that I have a CCW for AZ.


Can I legally take my pistol with me?


Last I recall the pistol and mag have to be separated-like mag in trunk and pistol in the front. Is this still true?


Can anyone shed some light?

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When I lived there, it was always in the trunk (or locked container) with ammo separate. Looks like it's still that way according to their Justice Dept website.




Transporting Firearms in California
  1. Home
  2. Firearms
  3. Transporting Firearms in California

Pursuant to California Penal Code section 25610, a United States citizen over 18 years of age who is not prohibited from firearm possession, and who resides or is temporarily in California, may transport by motor vehicle any handgun provided it is unloaded and locked in the vehicle’s trunk or in a locked container. Furthermore, the handgun must be carried directly to or from any motor vehicle for any lawful purpose and, while being carried must be contained within a locked container.

Pursuant to California Penal Code section 16850, the term "locked container" means a secure container that is fully enclosed and locked by a padlock, key lock, combination lock, or similar locking device. This includes the trunk of a motor vehicle, but does not include the utility or glove compartment.


Nonconcealable firearms (shotguns and rifles) are not generally covered within the provisions of California Penal Code section 25400 and therefore are not required to be transported in a locked container. However, as with any firearm, nonconcealable firearms must be unloaded while they are being transported.

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CA laws are jacked up. can't have a normal magazine of 15 rounds, that is illegal, so must be less than 10. can't have gun loaded in car, even just mag loaded in gun and believe that transport is only way and gun and ammo must be in separate lockable containers.


you get caught with a loaded gun in a car you go to jail, i think even having an empty gun in the car gets you a ride to jail. I think this is how the laws are, double check on some site like calguns.net

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Yep, give up your right to protect yourself and your family when going to Cali. I put my XDS in my lockable container right around Quartzite. It sucks but will keep you out of jail.

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Great information guys!



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I wouldn't let a dumbass law keep me from protecting myself or my family. If you're properly concealing, no one will know it. In the event that you get pulled over, the cop shouldn't need to ask if you're carrying a firearm, and if he does ask, lie.


Yes you run the risk of legal trouble, but if I'm not mistaken it isn't a felony. Then you'll also have an excuse to never go back to California.


Carry on.

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I used to make several trips to San Diego to visit my son when he was stationed there. I did some research on it to be sure. Gun and ammo does not need to be in separate compartments, just unloaded. The gun/mag must not accept more than 10 rounds. Both must be in a locked case while inside the car and while being transported between car and building, or locked in the trunk.

At first, the only low cap handgun I had was my wife's 5-shot .38, so that's what I took. After I got her (me) a Shield 9mm, that is what I took. I carried as usual until Yuma, then unloaded and put gun and mags in a lockable pistol case on the rear floor, in reach. I had a small luggage-type padlock on it, dangling open for quicker access. I figured if I got stopped, I would reach back and push the lock closed.

This is how I understood the law, and what I did to transport. Research it yourself to be sure.


- P.S. I am really glad I don't have to go to Cali anymore!

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  On 10/12/2017 at 8:33 PM, Viper said:

I used to make several trips to San Diego to visit my son when he was stationed there. I did some research on it to be sure. Gun and ammo does not need to be in separate compartments, just unloaded. The gun/mag must not accept more than 10 rounds. Both must be in a locked case while inside the car and while being transported between car and building, or locked in the trunk.

At first, the only low cap handgun I had was my wife's 5-shot .38, so that's what I took. After I got her (me) a Shield 9mm, that is what I took. I carried as usual until Yuma, then unloaded and put gun and mags in a lockable pistol case on the rear floor, in reach. I had a small luggage-type padlock on it, dangling open for quicker access. I figured if I got stopped, I would reach back and push the lock closed.

This is how I understood the law, and what I did to transport. Research it yourself to be sure.


- P.S. I am really glad I don't have to go to Cali anymore!

so basically you brought a a 2lb paper weight to California with you

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I drive Semi to Cal. and back 5 days a weeks. This helps Me a lot as I have been wondering. The prolem is I think i would use it. Place sucks..........BOB!

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Even if properly concealing it, is that when you get pulled over, they ask for DL, well now it says Arizona, first thing is CCW/gun. I have been asked to step outside and lift shirt with a spin to show I wan't concealing. I asked why and he said first was the AZ DL, then he saw my CCW card and got suspicious.


They allow all other illegal activity to continue but to bear and protect is a no no.


We have even been fishing on the beach and there are only 2 groups fishing, as we are packing up and getting to walk to truck, Game and Fish stops us and asks for our fishing license, then walks off back to his truck. I asked my brother in law wtf was that and he said not sure, well we met up with the GnF in the parking lot and asked why didn't he question the other fisherman, response was, they probably dont have one and dont have money to pay the ticket so why bother. The other group fishing was hispanic. So go figure California.

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Well thank goodness for these strict gun laws... That will stop the killings for sure!

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