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Bucks N Bulls

Bugles in 9

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In 7W yesterday, they were screaming all day. Even had a big herd with a nice 5x7 hit the pasture at 5:30 in the evening as opposed to 5 mins before dark. I was thinking anyone with a tag for today was golden.

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Bugling was OK in 9 this year. Far from great but they made enough noise where you could get in on them. Biggest issue seemed to be all the hunters getting down wind and making their best cow call. I saw many heards move and quiet up once they kept hearning all of the calls. I had really good luck getting in on them without making any calls.


The archery hunt was fairly typcial. opening day was good, Saturday was OK and then it was rough for a few days and then about Wednesday it got even better (most of the helpers left by then). Killed my bull Sunday morning of the second weekend and as we were taking pics we had a herd of 10 cows and about a 340 bull come walking up to 30 yards. Plenty of action. Many days I heard bugles throughout the day if you were in the right spots.


Keep looking and you will find one that makes you guys happy.

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