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Bear location question

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I was wondering what the odds are that a bear that was seen multiple times in the same location during the later part of the archery deer season will still be in the same general area two weeks from now. (About 5 weeks apart)

Unit is 23S and the area was littered with acorns then. Not sure if they will all be gone by then if that matters.



Thank you in advance.

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When I used to hunt in 29, late december, I would see the same bear on a ledge outside of camp every year.

Thank you! I guess I have a bear to go find in a few weeks..


Last time I was 20 yards from him and I knew the season dates were open but I hadn't checked the hotline. I was so worried that he was still legal and I'd never get a good nights rest again knowing I let him walk away from a shot that I will probably never get again. I was relieved to find out that the season closed due to quotas just three days prior.. So, more time in the field again for me.

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If there is a good food source he will most likely stick around. But then again bears like to move around, never know what its going to do! Good luck and hope to see some pics soon

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