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Cell phone signal boosters

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Does anyone have any recommendation on cell phone signal boosters and do they really work? Thanks in advance!

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Yes, they absolutely work. To a degree. The caveat is you have to have at least a little signal in order for the booster to work.


I have the weboost drive 4g-m. I use it all over and RARELY lose signal. I have also tried the 4g-x which is supposed to be twice as powerful but did not notice a significant increase. I was not in a hugely remote area though.


The 4g-m has been awesome. As an example, at our elk camp with Verizon I get 1bar of 3g. With the booster I get full bars of 4g. I do think the bigger outside antennas are worth the upgrade. The closers your phone is to the inside antenna the better your signal.



Bottom line....WELL worth the money. Wish I had done it years ago.

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Are you talking for your house or vehicle? We install a lot of them in homes up here. Using the Wilson. Like az diamond said the 4g-m works very well and worth every penny if your on the road or in a one bar area. There home and business one are amazing also

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Good point Shed. In my own little myopic viewpoint I didn't think he could be asking about home install. Us down here in civilization don;t think about those things....lol


I also use my 4gm for our cabin and also my trailer. Works anywhere. If I were at either regularly I would get a permanent solution like the kind Shed installs.

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I had one in a work truck that worked very well. Don't remember the brand but I believe it was a little over $600. Used a cheap one in another truck that wasn't worth a crap.

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Which one would you recommend for a vehicle and how hard is the setup? Does it need to be married to cell provider or will it work with anyone and is there a monthly fee associated with them?

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Weboost/Wilson. Pretty much the only way to go.


EASY to install in a vehicle. I keep mine in a Tupperware box and plug it in when I travel. Outside antenna magnets to your roof. Line runs through the door jam seal to the booster(which I put under my seat). Booster has power to a 12v outlet. From booster, inside antenna line runs to antenna which I put on my console. Takes two minutes to set up. Or can be installed permanently. I transfer it between vehicles and trailer so no permanent installation.


Is NOT carrier specific. Can boost signal for up to 4 or 5 phones at a time. The closer your phone is to the inside antenna the stronger the boost. They DO have cradles, but I have never tried one.


No monthly fee.


Happy to let anyone see it/try it if they want. Not that exciting but may give you the extra confidence to get one if you are on the fence.

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