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National Forest travel maps-what am I missing?

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The wood cutting permit excuse that I hear from a lot of people doesn't really work in my opinion from what it says on the forest service website. Wood cutters can only go off road after they have cut up a pile of wood and need to load it into the truck according to this. I always hear guys say buy a wood permit and carry a chain saw but I doubt they're going to fall for that while you're dressed up in camo.






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Looks like the wood cutting excuse was a bit exaggerated. Interestingly it does say they can use a road that's closed on the mvum as off-road travel to recover wood

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Nobody was following the MVUM road closures where I was. Not only that but there were two big outfitter camps right in the closed area from the Boundary Fire. You mean to tell me they set that all up after 6PM the day before the season, nah! They simply ignored the Closure.

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Are the big signs that say "no motorized wheeled vehicle off road game recovery" still at points where you turn off the hwy into 5B south? My father and I got a laugh out of them. We happen to own a bulldozer. It would be fun to sit by that sign with the dozer and your own "non-wheeled game recovery" sign and wait for the FS to wander by. I am sure that would be an interesting conversation.

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The original question should be- Why are all these roads being closed in the first place? If they want to not maintain the roads and let them degrade- why bother closing them?

There may be some logic for closing some roads but when you have to drive a 3 mile detour because they close a 1/2 mile stretch of good road -that is ridiculous - 6ASouth.

It is a piss off when you walk 1 mile down a "closed " road only to find vehicles have driven in.

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it was one of Clinton's last acts, EO on TMP, then enacted long after he was gone


I know a few people in the FS that deal with this, all hunters, did you know our own G&F was all keen to help enforce it until they were told they wouldn't receive any funds for doing it, then they said the FS was on it's own


IMO it was a nod to the Anti establishment because it only affects hunters and avg campers, of which those that visit out of the way places are usually hunters not the city boy from down the street that needs campfire rings and an outhouse to survive

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