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Well here we go I hope you all enjoy the story and pics. We had three tags to fill mine, my dads, and my father-in-law(his first time). We were only able to get one. That was one hard hunt. We spotted a two point on sunday and never could get close. On monday we spotted a spike but my father-in-law had to work all week so he wasn't able to get him. On tuesday my dad and I saw the spike and two point. At this time I was thinking that was all we were going to see. So on wednesday we saw the two point again. Everytime we saw the two point he was 400 to 500 yards away. We couldn't get close because he would pull a hat trick. So I watched the two point for about an hour and couldn't decide if he was big enough. So I asked my dad, "would you shoot him?" He said if I don't he will. So naturally I got set up. We ranged the tree down from him and it was 420 yards so I thought he had to be about 450 yards (keep in mind this is an up hill shot too.) I thought to myself I will never hit him that is impossible. (gun 30-06 150 grain bullet). So I tried anyways. My dad said let me know when you are going to shoot. I put the crosshairs 4 inches above his back to compensate for bullet drop and said here we go-----BOOM----"did I get him?" There was a delay that seemed to be an hour and my dad said "y---yep you got him." I jumped up and gave him a big hug hands shaking and knees knocking. (if you lose that feeling there is no point going). So I headed on up to get my deer. When I got there, there was a bullet hole under his head and out the left eye socket. All we could think was that we didn't compensate for the wind so result was 8inch drift NO BULLET DROP. ANd for the rest of the family we could get set up on any they wanted. So here are the pics enjoy. "NEXT YEAR IT BETTER BE COLD"





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great job.. BUT I HAVE TO ASK... what is up with the shirt....





last year I left it right side out and you could not see the horns because they blend in with the camo. <_< :lol: :P


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Nice buck, congrats. That was in 24A right?


yep. 24A.


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Congratulations!!! Check your PM..........

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