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Guest oneshot

Free Tattoo...

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Guest oneshot
  On 8/31/2017 at 2:00 PM, Snapshot said:

Free Tattoo's for all ANTIFA members. No limit, caliber of your choice.

Being catfished the last few days, not sure if it's antifa or islamics... I've pissed both groups off the last couple of days...Catfisher is posing as a female, new FB account, no profile pics, "art" of large breasted women, but text saying something about their love of "swallowing"... hahaha... requesting photo's of my face/where I work...


antifa was classed as terrorist org recently by NJ DHS, waiting for washington to get their head-out and do the same...

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Guest oneshot
  On 8/31/2017 at 10:51 PM, Snapshot said:

I am currently serving a 30 day Face book suspension. My political page and Liberal bashing, offended the fascist facebook police.


I'm always in fb jail, but anti-American pages just roll along without a problem, spewing lies...


Some hints to be able to keep active, and stay alittle ahead of fb police, make another profile using another device, I use my real name now on back-up profile," En Fidel" was reported as a "fake profile" and I had to change it, submit a State ID saying i realy am "En Fidel" within 10days, or total bann, but feel free to be creative to buy time, post a bunch of pic's and shared posts to build the "backstory" of the new profile, add "friends" that you really dont care about, because those that attack you, also go after your friends/liked-list, 50-50 mix of liberal/conserv. pages liked, spreading confusion, piss-off the other side gently, drawing them into making comments that you can report and get THEM booted...


Sux to stoop to such a low level, but ya gotta stay in the fight...

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I got caught using a fake profile to bypass the FB police during my suspension. They deleted it.

I only have 2 devices, and the numbnuts at FB, have both IP's. I dont use facebook for socializing, only for newsfeeds, politics, and sports. My political page is used to hammer the Liberals across many outlets.


Someone didnt like the fact that I said transgenders have psychological issues and dont belong in the military.


Facebook also outsources the moderation of member comments to companies in the Philippines. Maybe a ladyboy took offense to my comments.

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Guest oneshot
  On 9/1/2017 at 12:39 AM, Snapshot said:

I got caught using a fake profile to bypass the FB police during my suspension. They deleted it.

I only have 2 devices, and the numbnuts at FB, have both IP's. I dont use facebook for socializing, only for newsfeeds, politics, and sports. My political page is used to hammer the Liberals across many outlets.


Someone didnt like the fact that I said transgenders have psychological issues and dont belong in the military.


Facebook also outsources the moderation of member comments to companies in the Philippines. Maybe a ladyboy took offense to my comments.


my last 15day bann was calling them "shims" hahaha.. and you are correct, multiple personality disorder is medicaly classed as a psychological issue... PM me your page, sounds like a good time

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I'm on my 4th suspension. The next one gets me a permanent ban.


If you want to get in on the fun, go to the KGUN 9 facebook page. You will find me on any of the political topics.....in 11 days when they release me from FB jail. Lots of Libtards there whose chains I like to yank.

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  On 9/1/2017 at 1:36 AM, muledeerarea33? said:

You guys are "triggering" me and I feel offended. Could you please stop all your anti, anti talk of the anti anti's! And WTF is catfishing besides the normal of what I'm thinking?

O.k buttercup.



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  On 9/1/2017 at 1:44 AM, Snapshot said:


  On 9/1/2017 at 1:36 AM, muledeerarea33? said:

You guys are "triggering" me and I feel offended. Could you please stop all your anti, anti talk of the anti anti's! And WTF is catfishing besides the normal of what I'm thinking?

O.k buttercup.



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Catfishing, is someone who assumes a fake identity on social media with dubious intentions.


If you get a friend request from a hot chick that only has 10 friends on her social page, you have encountered a catfish.

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Guest oneshot

SnapShot, I just liked "kgun 9 on your side", read a few comments... I can see a global boot in my future... hahaha

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  On 9/1/2017 at 2:18 AM, oneshot said:

SnapShot, I just liked "kgun 9 on your side", read a few comments... I can see a global boot in my future... hahaha

Lots of Trump haters on there. It's a target rich environment.

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Lucky you all can still FB. I have been permanently banned from there. Now I use my daughters account to keep up with friends and family.

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