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Ground Blinds vs. Glassing

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Which one do you guys think is a better method of Coues hunting?

Sitting in a ground blind by some very maintained deer trails or at a water hole, or, glassing for some deer in some very open areas.


Let me know what you think

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Young Man :huh:

Do you have a first cousie under your belt :unsure:

Are you asking if your pops made a wrong choice for your hunt :(

I do not think so ;)

There are many ways to hunt for the many differant types of hunters.

NONE of them are wrong.

It is just the way you like to hunt.

My girls grew up mostly hunting out of blinds

but we have started to hunt more with optics and open country.

Hunting out of a blind really helps to get some hunting skills and harvest under the belt before you have to start making longer shots.

I would say more people are optics hunters than blind hunters because it is VERY hard to just sit and wait for them to come to you.

The good part about blind hunting is your not wore out from stalks

and most of the time you can get them out a whole lot easier.



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Hey Bud...

Personally, I don't think there is a better way to kill deer. With setting up stands you do your work before the season, for the most part when you spot and stalk you do your work during the season. Personally, I think people should find a method that they are familiar with and that they are good at and stick with it.



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