jonscaife Report post Posted November 18, 2007 i'm new to bow hunting and was wondering if anyone had any advice on how to hunt mulies during the upcoming dec. archery season. spot and stock? tree stand? water holes? still hunt? i'm just wondering what kind of success any of you more experianced hunters might have for some one just starting out with a bow. any info at all would help. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Buckhunter Report post Posted November 18, 2007 Hey, If you find the does you will find the bucks. Last year around Roosevelt the mulies weren't rutting until the later part of Dec all the way into the first week into Feb. I have video of a nice 3x3 with a doe Feb 8th this year. He was running her down and holding on to her. Best chance is to spot and stalk or get near the does and you'll get a chance at a buck. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Coues79 Report post Posted November 19, 2007 I like to glass and then bed them up. I usually wait until most of the does have bedded down; A lot of times, I've seen big muley bucks bed down as the does continue to feed in the morning. When they start to drift aways off, he'll just get up and move to them. After they bed, I like to come in over the top of them (if the wind is right), just to try and avoid all of the eyes that can catch you coming from below. Sometimes coming from below works though. Take your time and go really, really slow making sure each step is perfectly and softly placed. When you start to get 50-75 yards away, if there isn't much wind, they can hear the smallest of rocks move, and the smallest grass blade crunch. You really have to take your time and move slowly. Maybe even take your boots off and stalk in your socks or get the silent stalkers that you slip over your boots. I shot a Mule deer buck about 8 years ago and once I got on top of the deer, it took me about 3 hours to finally slip an arrow into him. I moved a total of about 150-200 yards in the 3 hours. It was a blast watching him that whole time. Nothin' beats an archery animal with a great stalk! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mattys281 Report post Posted November 19, 2007 I think spot & stalk hunting is the most effective way to find & get close to a big animal, but it's also the most challenging way to hunt IMO. If you're not picky & just want a deer, I'd find a remote water source & sit it out. By remote, I don't mean down a rough road. If you can drive to it, or drive close to it, you'll have company. I mean humpin in a minimum of 30 min. I just put a treestand on one that's 2 miles in last weekend & it's not only showing good deer sign, but looks like some bears are comin in too. If you sit water, you should make sure you've got you camera, because you never know what's comin in. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest 300ultramag. Report post Posted November 19, 2007 I usually start w/ a medium action rod and reel, possibly a baitcaster w/ 20 lb. test line or an open face: its all preference! Next pick up some chicken liver or dough bait. then u just sit and wait That is the best way to bag yourself a trophy CARP! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DesertBull Report post Posted November 19, 2007 Water will be a good evening tactic if we continue this gawd awful drought. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
elpepe25 Report post Posted November 19, 2007 i like to watch him and his harem bed, then close the gap, if hes in a real stalkable spot ill give it a go. if not i like to keep 100-200 yards away and cut them off as they rise from thier bed and feed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
out2hunt Report post Posted November 19, 2007 Glass,Glass,Glass some more!!!Once youve spotted em time to put the stalk on!!!!Wind direction is the single most important factor. They don't have to see you to smell you and 9 out of ten times stalks that are unsuccessful are due to the wind and scent being discovered!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
donniedent Report post Posted November 19, 2007 Good advice here, listen up!!! Donnie Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
m gardner Report post Posted November 22, 2007 I've actually rattled up mulies during the rut in Colorado. You can't hunt them then, but it was fun. I also will hunt the late bow season for my first time (got here last feb.) I'll definitely take the horns and my glasses. I run alot so I'm ready to hike a bit. I'll pitch my outfitters tent and stay out. I'm older and work infrequently at best so I can hunt more. Funny thing is I hunt more but don't kill as much as I used to. I let two pass last week during a hunt in Colorado. I want a Booner. Mark Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mjmhunter Report post Posted November 22, 2007 Good advice from everybody. My 0.02 Once you find and scout the area your going to hunt, the terrain and vegetation will somewhat dictate how your going to hunt it. My preferred method would be spot and stalk. Find a hillside and glass once you have deer located you can plan out your stalk. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
m gardner Report post Posted November 22, 2007 Here's another way some folks hunt them at waterholes (illegally and yes we reported it) where I went in Colorado. It seems that if you dig a hole and put mineral in it near the water then put a flat rock over it the mineral seeps out and the deer paw and eat the dirt around it until it looks like a large mushroom. Some guys will do anything. Mark Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tommat Report post Posted November 23, 2007 m gardner said: Here's another way some folks hunt them at waterholes (illegally and yes we reported it) where I went in Colorado. It seems that if you dig a hole and put mineral in it near the water then put a flat rock over it the mineral seeps out and the deer paw and eat the dirt around it until it looks like a large mushroom. Some guys will do anything. Mark Cheaters! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iwannakillsomething Report post Posted November 26, 2007 glass is just the way to go or play it by ear!!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
elpepe25 Report post Posted November 27, 2007 the rut is frustrating, a lot of the decent bucks ive seen have like 30 does with them, i tend to glass them up, close distance and skirt the herd all day till light runs out, wind shifts and i blow it, or i get a shot off. if i stay with them maybe he'll make a mistake and push them towards me or he'll swing by me Share this post Link to post Share on other sites