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My 2007 AZ Coues Hunt

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wow!!! Amanda what a great buck....that is awesome!!!...congrats...loved the write up as well....job well done!!


that country has to be amazing to hunt in...great scenery...wow!!

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WOW! WOW! WOW!. Amanda you smaked one of a liftime for sure what a buck. Congrats to ya. ANd i would have to say that Scott is one of the top coues guys i can think of. And i have never met him.

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WOW! Great story! I feal like I was there! My eyes hurt, I feal sundurn't and windblown. I'm all scratched up from the buck brush and cat claw, I got dirt in places I didn't remember I had and desert grass splinters in those I know all too well. My boots are worn and dry and my joints hurt. I'v got bruises form a heavy laden pack, a couple of falls and that rock under my sleaping bag. I'm hungry and got a thirst that could drain the watterhole! I got old sweat from my head to my toes an blood up to my ears. I scratch the grit from my teeth and can tast the blood under my fingernails, it brings a great smile to my dried out face and cracks my lip! And I bow my head and thank my Father in Heaven for the lot of it! Ahhh... Coues Country! I cant wait to get back!


And then I realised I was home and was just reading Amanda's story :huh: Wow! Thanks Again! And congrats on a GREAT BUCK!!!!



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WOW Amanda... Congrats That is a absolutley fantastic buck!!!!

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What a TOAD, great buck, congrats

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Congrats on a great buck Amanda!!!! I will really miss coues hunting the next few years as you know. I never really got to say goodbye before heading to the Congo. Well, I'm here now and it is the rainy season. Sort of like our monsoons, but with a tad bit more rain.

Anyway, good job on a successful hunt. Enjoy that venison.

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Thanks for all the great replies! The buck really isn't all that big, but he is a great one anyway, I think! Glad you guys enjoyed the story so much. Lance, you are right on the money there with all your descriptions....were you there with me? hehehe


here is a blown up pic from the first morning (Monday) we saw this buck. You can see all the same tines that are unique to this buck. It was really interesting trying to relocate him everyday and following his movements. None of the deer really made any big movements during the 4 days I watched them. They slowly moved up the ridge over the days and then across the top. Maybe 200-300 yards a day. Not much at all. After hiking over there to get my buck, Scott said, now I know why they weren't moving much...this country is brutal! I suppose it's not so brutal for a four-legged critter though. Wish I could move like a coues deer through this stuff!


My buck had lots of fat on him too! Seems like it's been a great year for Coues!


Hey, Danny H., nice to hear from you. I tried calling you on the way through Safford, but of course your number was disconnected. Hope you are enjoying the Congo. Post some pics sometime! Fill us in on life out there!





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Awesome- looks like some steep country out that way!


Nice to have a master glasser (Mr. Adams) along- great combo job!




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Congratulations on what sounds like a great hunt and what looks like a great buck Amanda.


IF you need someone to take your "trash" away , just let me know.... ;)

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