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Dog got skunked!

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Guys and Gals,


My dog found a new pal sometime while I was deer hunting and I can't stand to be around her. I've heard that tomato juice helps rid a mutt of skunk smell but I've myth busted that one! I'll admit it helped some but she still isn't fit for human companionship. Anybody have a tip or secret recipe they would share to get the skunk smell gone? I'd sure appreciate it!



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Mix a cup of baking soda and 1/4 cup liquid soap (like Dawn) with a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, and wash her well. She probably got hit in the face, so wash her head, neck and chest well to get rid of the oils.

I have done Rica a few times. Guess she thinks she's chasing a black and white cat.

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I have heard that Masengill douche works well also; possibly due to the acid in the vinegar. Guess I should buy some for the dogcare box. Supposed to be some stuff called Natures Miracle at the pet stores that works real well.

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I have heard the same things that Doug mentions. Those should work. Our dog got sprayed recently and came in the bedroom in the middle of the night. That woke us up quick! My wonderful husband took on the chore of dealing with the dog while I slept. We didn't have any of the remedies mentioned above, so he just washed her with dog shampoo and to our great relief it worked fine! I don't understand it, perhaps it was just because he washed her shortly after she got sprayed, but she smelled just fine in the morning.


Like Doug, I think my dog thinks it's a black and white cat. She can't stay away from them! I let her out front the other day and she tore across the lawn and cornered a skunk against our fence and some bushes. She was practically nose to nose with it, but God bless that skunk because it didn't spray before I got the dog back off it. Wow, lucky!



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Doug's recipe worked pretty well. She's still a little malodorous but I figure we'll keep her. Her problem is that she is black and white and I figure she thought she'd found a relative. This dog has been mauled by other dogs (a Rotweiler and a black lab) on two different occasions; both requiring surgery, bit by a rattlesnake, and choked on a chicken bone. For a free mutt, she sure has cost us a lot of money! She's pretty smart other than that! Thanks for the info everybody. Now, I believe I'll make the 3 hour drive back to SE Arizona and see if I can get a last day buck.



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My chocolate Labs can't tell the difference between a skunk and a cat while I'm out irrigating at night and I douse them in dish soap and throw a few sticks in the ditch to fetch and they seem to come out smelling pretty good. The skunk juice is an oil and the dish soap really breaks the surface tension and cuts it.

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