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cooler air and rain, any bugles yet?

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I have been in 4B since Friday. I heard my first bugle this morning. It was a very half-hearted effort.

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Heading up to the rim in the morning for a few days of wilderness wandering with the family. Planning on camping off the beaten path so hopefully will hear some beautiful midnight bugles

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I leave for my new Mexico hunt in the morning. My hunting partner is already there and has sent me a few messages using his inreach. Multiple messages have said bulls bugling every morning and every evening and all through the night around camp. He also said he has seen two 340 type bulls with large groups of cows. Sent me a message today at 1030 saying that the elk just starting bugling like crazy again. I don't think I'm gonna sleep much tonight.

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Bugles everyday this week morning evening and night.

Anyone ever find solo cows in several areas? Found 6 different cows solo this week?

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Ya when I had cams out a few years back I had elk on camera every day until this weekend then 80 percent less and only at 2am. Tuesday the next week they were back in large numbers and during the day

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This weekend ought to shut them up unfortunately

I was thinking the same thing. Haha. With half of the Phoenix metro population up there, I won't be going up for one last scouting trip. Don't want to deal with that circus!


Sooooo....next time I step foot in the elk woods will be at elk camp. Tag in hand and playing for reals!


I went Wednesday and Thursday to check my cams for that very reason! Saw on twitter today that the I-17 heading North to Flag was moving at 5mph!

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Ya when I had cams out a few years back I had elk on camera every day until this weekend then 80 percent less and only at 2am. Tuesday the next week they were back in large numbers and during the day

My camera had bulls on it every day of the 40 days it was hung and they were coming in all hours but less started to show up as August was ending but still a good number coming in. Some bulls fighting around August 20th or so.Wednesday and Thursday I heard some bugling it wasnt a lot but there were a couple going.

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