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Outdoorsmans tripod adapter high or low?

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What are you guys with swaro 15's using for the adapter height? I'm going to buy one but not sure which height to get. Thanks for any input.

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Both good choices for different reasons.


The low will let you leave it mounted and still slide it into bino packs like Alaskan Guide Creations. It doesn't let you adjust the interpupillary distance to its most narrow position when used with an outdoorsman panhead not a show stopper but I notice it.


The high works perfect with the 15s. Plus side is its extra height can help if you need just a bit more from a compact tripod. Downside is it doesn't fit in bino packs while still attached to the binos.

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I have a vanguard tripod with the flat plate that the adapter would be on. Looks like the low might be even more restricted with my tripod head than the pan head in the picture. I might just have to go with the high just to play it safe.

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The one in the pic above is the pistol grip head. I will take a picture later of the pan head contact if you are interested in seeing it.

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High for me. But I'm 6'3 so glassing standing up (which I don't do often) is hard and I need all the added height I can get.

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Wow, thanks everyone! The pictures are super helpful. Brought back memories of my kids kicking their piano playset deal like the one in the picture. Those were the easy days, before they were running around like crazy!

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