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Quality of 36B compared to 20+ years ago?

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My father and I used to hunt 36B over 20 years ago and saw some great bucks. Has any other old fart hunted this unit that could comment on how it has changed over the years? I am excited to go back to my old stomping grounds.

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There are still great deer in there, but over the past 10!years I have personally seen the buck tondoe ratio dwindle. Still in the right areas we will have 10 buck days

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I think all the units have suffered on quality with the addition of the extra hunts since then. I know 33 has changed a lot since I was younger. The 36 units have always had great potential genetically tho.

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Not to derail this, but after 24A followed the same pattern as the 30-something units, it's all about more people, less and younger deer. I'm just waiting to see a "trophy" pic of one with spots still on it and nubs barely breaking the scalp, not to mention fresh milk on its nuzzle. Call it "veal"?

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They did the same to 22, used to be 325 tags for the whitetail, I don't believe the game and fish is about game management anymore , then with all the tags they have now and then throw in the wolves, you won't even be able to find a rabbit pretty soon.

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I guess the good news is, one of the things we love about these deer so much is their hardiness. They adapt and thrive. Those dumb enough not to get away from the roads will probably die young. Even with all the early hunts, extra pressure, the ones that have learned how to not get eaten by a lion will also probably learn how to not get shot by a road hunter.


Hunting coues, especially older, mature bucks has always been tough challenge. That's why we love it so much. I used to really get worked up about how G&F was issuing more tags, but I have to believe the bucks will continue to be there. Maybe not as many, but those that do make it will be even smarter and harder to chase - isn't that why we're so passionate about chasing them?

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Hunting coues, especially older, mature bucks has always been tough challenge. That's why we love it so much. I used to really get worked up about how G&F was issuing more tags, but I have to believe the bucks will continue to be there. Maybe not as many, but those that do make it will be even smarter and harder to chase - isn't that why we're so passionate about chasing them?

Well said. There are stud bucks taken every year in every unit. Just not as many. I don't kill said bucks but it sure is nice to see them.

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My thoughts on 36B . I have hunted it for 25 years , by and large the same area. As the years have passed , I realize how little this east coast boy ( now old man) knew about hunting in Arizona .

The herd prior to the long term drought ( that is what I hear it is called ) we are mired in , was to my eyes much more plentiful . I stumbled across more deer than I saw from afar. I really had no clue about hunting the desert , coming from the lower Catskills where on my slice of heaven a 100 yard shot was considered long range shooting.

It is only with hind sight being 20 20 that I occasionally wish for the old days ,I say occasionally, because the harvesting of game has become less important than the adventure.

Since the earlier days , many oaks have been denuded and have died from the caterpillars , manzanita also is dying . With all of the tags in the unit , we see less hunter activity than years ago. I do recognize the October hunt is not popular to all .

Lions seem on the rise where I hunt , which makes me think the deer move along from the area. I have seen dusty dirt paths that have active undocumented workers traveling through the season pushing deer deeper .

I speak with no science , just my thoughts, opinions and logic.,

I would tell you that for me , 36B , is my unit. I look forward to being there every October , although not so much when it is in the 90's , which leads me to remember that 20 - 24 years ago I would have ice in my coffee pot upon waking and one October hunter we had 4:" of snow and some remnants were left the following morning.

To all who know where I set up , stop in for a beverage or some my famous Ziti if you are in the neighborhood this year.


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Thanks for the replies gentlemen. It sounds like it is exactly what I am expecting. Good luck to you all

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Just returned from a scouting trip. Only been hunting there starting 2014. I have noticed a decline in bucks. As well with the lands north of Arivaca Highway.


Border Patrol members are very friendly, and the illegal traffic is still there. As well, they report few bucks in places that look like wilderness and would stun a Midwesterner, given the size and vistas. Members that bow hunt think it is an issue, all the increased enforcement and illegaI activity. I agree that big bucks "must be out there." Yet, for summer bow season, hauling a pack of meat over a few hours seems risky. The issue is a conflict: get away from the roads, and be close enough to the rig and ice. Wrestling with that conflict this morning.

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There are still areas which are remote that hold big animals and good buck to doe ratios. We end up hiking more in 36B than any other hunt but it pays off as we have seen some TOADS the last several years and have harvested several nice bucks

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If a unit you want to hunt is close to home and has to many hunts or tags, just learn where the deer are and hunters are not. Where I grew up G&F issued 26,200 buck tags for a unit the size 22 and 23 combined, you were allowed two buck tags over the counter. An old friend and I have taken some very nice mature bucks from this unit, with a couple able to be entered into the record book. Hunt hard and enjoy your hunt.

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