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Huntress Suicide ! What?

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I think it's legit. Read it on outdoor hub this morning. Real sad seems like she had a lot of positives in her life, can't imagine someone letting social media eat at them that bad.

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Social media is evil on so many levels.

I still remember the good ol'e days when my wife would ask, "what time will you be home from work" and my Dick reply was, "when my tires hit the driveway". That doesn't work now days.

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How is internet bullying real, just turn off the screen.

Find that ridiculous answer and you may save the millennials.

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Never been on the face books, feel bad for this woman and her family. I would think a hunter would be stronger than that but these days I'm not sure. I'm sure this is rude and disrespectful to many. But damnn! It's just an internet person that knows nothing about you that's giving you crap. Read it, reflect on your life and choose if it's right or wrong! Most times common sense wins! Sorry she lost her life because of a decision of what she did (allegedly)

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I would like to hunt activists, where can I get a tag?

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There was a case a few years ago where some little boy who was dying of leukemia went on a bear hunt with his dad through make a wish or some similar program. The hateful crap these people were spewing about him was unbelievable. Going on about how they're glad he's dead and hope he's roasting in heck, etc etc.


It is absolutely amazing how sick and hateful these activists are. Activist is the wrong word all together. They use fear and intimidation to attempt to coerce people to their way of thinking. That's called terrorism.


They don't even give a crap about the animals they just love the sense of power they get from being angry and trying to force people to change. If you stopped all hunting today, they would just change gears and adopt another 'cause' that allowed them to continue in their angry extremist behavior.

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