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my best buck to date

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we arrived late fri morning set up our camp, we loaded our gear and drove to places unknown for me, I found a place that was a wilderness area, we started glassing and saw a few does right away and 2 small bucks and we also saw about 6 other hunters so we walked to a place that had a few big bowls and started glasing, We located 3 does and a spike buck and then I saw a buck bedded under a tree, I ranged him at 520 yards, I try to move quitely but it was impossible the rocks were like baseballs or so it seems, I finally made my way to a ridge that put me around 275 yards so I set up for a shot, bipods don't work worth a dam on the side of a hill but I made it work one shot and he was down right in his bed. I have never set foot in this unit till friday due to work my schedule, I always like to do as much preseason scouting as possible. Southern az was awesome I did not see the illegal aliens and trash that I expected.





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That's what I'm talkin' 'bout right there, your best buck yet!!!


That's got to feel pretty good! Congrats to you!


Short and SWEET!

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Congrats on a good hunt!


Nice pics, How was the weather for the Nov hunt?



the weather was warm during the day but awesome nights. I enjoyed the heck out of the weekend, shared it with a good friend.

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we arrived late fri morning set up our camp, we loaded our gear and drove to places unknown for me, I found a place that was a wilderness area, we started glassing and saw a few does right away and 2 small bucks and we also saw about 6 other hunters so we walked to a place that had a few big bowls and started glasing, We located 3 does and a spike buck and then I saw a buck bedded under a tree, I ranged him at 520 yards, I try to move quitely but it was impossible the rocks were like baseballs or so it seems, I finally made my way to a ridge that put me around 275 yards so I set up for a shot, bipods don't work worth a dam on the side of a hill but I made it work one shot and he was down right in his bed. I have never set foot in this unit till friday due to work my schedule, I always like to do as much preseason scouting as possible. Southern az was awesome I did not see the illegal aliens and trash that I expected.


CONGRATS ESE!!! nice pics glad u finally baged ur first coues and with one shot ( thats the hard part to believe) looks like your almost as good a hunter as me!!!! bulchit huh!! was that on fri u got him?? what time was it?? next time let me know your going down there so my cuz can hitch a ride!!!! ahahaha just bulchitin... see ya homes!!!! :ph34r:

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dude thats awsome. it is a great buck, i get to go help my buddy with a reservation tag this weekend i hope we can find some deer like that, hows things been, whats up with the glasses, you must be getting old......cbryant

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we arrived late fri morning set up our camp, we loaded our gear and drove to places unknown for me, I found a place that was a wilderness area, we started glassing and saw a few does right away and 2 small bucks and we also saw about 6 other hunters so we walked to a place that had a few big bowls and started glasing, We located 3 does and a spike buck and then I saw a buck bedded under a tree, I ranged him at 520 yards, I try to move quitely but it was impossible the rocks were like baseballs or so it seems, I finally made my way to a ridge that put me around 275 yards so I set up for a shot, bipods don't work worth a dam on the side of a hill but I made it work one shot and he was down right in his bed. I have never set foot in this unit till friday due to work my schedule, I always like to do as much preseason scouting as possible. Southern az was awesome I did not see the illegal aliens and trash that I expected.


CONGRATS ESE!!! nice pics glad u finally baged ur first coues and with one shot ( thats the hard part to believe) looks like your almost as good a hunter as me!!!! bulchit huh!! was that on fri u got him?? what time was it?? next time let me know your going down there so my cuz can hitch a ride!!!! ahahaha just bulchitin... see ya homes!!!! :ph34r:


max whatz up I did't see any of your cuzs down there and this is my second coues homes. :lol:

dude thats awsome. it is a great buck, i get to go help my buddy with a reservation tag this weekend i hope we can find some deer like that, hows things been, whats up with the glasses, you must be getting old......cbryant
thanks carl post pics when you get back from the res, next year I hope to hunt the reservation let me know.

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