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i use the 165gr tssx, 300utra mag. everything dies, you hit them right youll get a big hole

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MT Sourdough that's exactly what Barnes themselves recommended for me - to go with one weight class lighter bullet. I went in thinking I would be shooting 180 grns and went factory 165 TTSX on his advice (other options if u reload). Performed very well on my ram. My buddy who helped get him off the mountain was a non-believer in Barnes but he agreed it was pretty devestaing on my ram.


If u choose copper, I would call them and explain ur species, hunt, range expectations etc and let them help u pick the appropriate weight.

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Love Barnes copper bullets, all I shoot out of my guns, if you hit anything in the right spot it will go down, and about there not being a law for using copper bullets or taking the gut pile, I call it the law of common sence, get some you might like it.

I too use copper bullets when lucky enough to draw the Kaibab and I believe it's at about 90% of the hunters that hunt the Kaibab voluntarily use lead free ammo, but please if you're going to tell me to use "common sence" learn to spell it. I'll help you out this time COMMON SENSE.

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Ok so I see a lot of "if you hit them right it works "so where is hitting them right ? and if perhaps someone didn't hit them right is the margin for error much smaller with solid ???

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What ever 654321, use your common sense, happy, alot of condors die because of lack of common sense, not spelling. you got me I'm an idiot

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Mulepackhunter , what I meant some hunters just want to draw blood then chase them, in the rib cage your good, I've never have had an animal go more the 10yrds with the Barnes, I feel a 1/2" hole is better then many fragments, my buffalo's I've shot dropped in there tracks. not saying lead is bad but in the bab copper is the best thing for the condors, and they give them to you so why not use them. just my unfortunately dumb opinion.

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I have used Barnes on the Bab with good results. Taylor took her buck last year using a 6.5mm 127 LEX driven at 3050MV. Took her buck at 637 yards. Retained MV was probably somewhere around 2060fps with about 1200ft/lbs of KE remaining. Buck dropped in his tracks. Hit the onside shoulder blade, took out the top of the lungs, shattered a vertebrae, and exited leaving about a $.25 hole.


I got the opportunity to go test lead vs. Non-lead bullets with AZGFD last year. It was a real eye opener. I think for close to moderate ranges, they are a great alternative for any species and hunting location.



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Used the voucher last spring to acquire the Barnes for my buff hunt. Great results. Got the ammo directly from my Regional office with the voucher. Most of them should have common calibers on hand. Might call to double check at your location but I know this was the case in Region 4.

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If I don't get a voucher and maybe even if I do I'm planning on working up a load so I can do some practice with them.


Will the point of impact be the same or close as with lead bullets

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How come crows and vultures don't die after eating gut piles.

Cuz the condors are Calfornian

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