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This year I put in for all Dec. hunts except for my fifth choice of 34b Nov. which of course I got drawn for. The deer population in this unit has really suffered in recent history and I knew it was going to be a tough hunt. To top that off I had not scouted a single day! I had done some lion hunting in there and had seen a pocket that I was sure would hold some deer although I had not seen any there, it was far enough back in by the time you got there everything was already beaded. Last Sunday I loaded a horse up and packed a spike camp back into the area, I figured I would have a better chance back there by myself than with the other 199 hunters close to roads. Opening day all I saw was does and I thought I had made a terrible mistake! That evening I sat in a place where I could see the pocket I was sure would hold a nice buck and just as all hope was about to fade, something spooked four spikes and a shooter out of the bottom. I watched them until they disappeared around the mountain and I knew exactly where to be in the morning. As I was getting into position, sure enough all of the bucks were feeding towards a saddle and I made a move down even closer to where I knew they would come back to bed. At 9:30 they were finally close enough and I dropped the hammer on this 3x3 at 380 yards. He's not the biggest deer in the world but he sure made memorable hunt and one that proved to me again that you need to hunt their habitat first. I think maybe I'll go back in four years and harvest one of those spikes. ;) Hope you all enjoy the story and pics and good luck to the rest of you with Nov/Dec tags! P.S. I measured him @ 95 2/8 gross.






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Very Nice Coues and enjoyed reading the story-


Great pics! Smilin' all the way! Did you see any cats on your hunt?




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I didn't think there were any bucks left in 34b. Congrats on pulling off the impossible! ( Not a big fan of that unit in case you can't tell. )

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Very Nice Coues and enjoyed reading the story-


Great pics! Smilin' all the way! Did you see any cats on your hunt?




Actually I treed one when I was packing in the camp, and it was probably what spooked those deer out of the canyon.

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Very nice pred8r that is my favorite unit to hunt in all. raised in it all my life. You are right it is hurting in that unit. But if you find a spot like yours you will score a nice buck. I do know of a few spots myself and they hold some great bucks. You do have to put the miles in for them though. and you can not be afraid to go over the top to get started. Lots of lion in that unit as well.

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That's a super buck for 34B, congrats! I may have seen you out there, my wife and I were hunting for muleys in the unit. She wacked a 3x2 on Saturday, but it's not even as big as your coues.



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Some of my hardest Coues hunts have been in that unit! I've done the "hikin' way up there" thing and it's never been better for me.......usually had better luck down low. That is a fantastic 34B Coues buck right there!!! Great job on the effort and the trophy! JIM>

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There are lots of coues down low in that unit as well. I have seen alot of coues in the same canyons and flats as mule deer. When i say go over the top i mean go over the top not just hike up high. There are some canyons in the wetstones that are so huge. And some bowls that dreams are made of. The sad part to me is i will never hunt those areas again. My body just will not do it anymore. I am only 35 but broken down already. I have seen bucks in those spots while on hunting trips with my hunting partners in highschool that would be in the books if we had rifles with us. My brother lost site of a record book buck up there a few years ago that had to be a 5x7 coues from what we could see of it at the distance. There is a good trail for horses and mules up through a canyon that used to have an old forest service cabin and camp in it. Once you break over the saddle in that spot it is a glassers heaven in there. We named the pass the Ox bow after watching last of the dog men.

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