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4th peccary species "discovered"

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I hope they discover a fifth species that grows antlers then maybe I'll start hunting them again.


I stopped hunting javelinas 7-8 years ago when I ran out of people to give them to, but I applied for (and got) a HAM tag for 2008.


I got interested in hunting them again while writing a chapter about javelinas for my book, and decided that if I couldn't draw deer and elk permits I might as well use my Pioneer license to hunt something There's a problem, though. I'm having trouble deciding what I'll hunt with.


At this point I'm thinking about putting a sling on a flintlock "Kentucky" rifle I built in the 1980s so I can pack it on my shoulder. I'll have a replica .44-caliber black powder Colt Navy on my belt and I'll carry my tried and true Ben Pearson "Javelina" recurve bow with 4-5 Port Orford cedar arrows from Herters tipped with some old single-blade broadheads I've had for years.


That way I'll be ready for whatever shot presents itself.


Bill Quimby :D

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maybe bullwidgeon can finally get a girlfriend. how much is airfare to this place? we can get a pool and send him down there. he'll hafta learn spanish tho. i doubt the talkin' javelinas down there speak 'merican...............Lark.

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maybe bullwidgeon can finally get a girlfriend. how much is airfare to this place? we can get a pool and send him down there. he'll hafta learn spanish tho. i doubt the talkin' javelinas down there speak 'merican...............Lark.



Love is the universal language.



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maybe bullwidgeon can finally get a girlfriend. how much is airfare to this place? we can get a pool and send him down there. he'll hafta learn spanish tho. i doubt the talkin' javelinas down there speak 'merican...............Lark.



Love is the universal language.




That's good, because they speak Portuguese in Brazil.


Bill Quimby :P

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