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Licensing question for the "experts"

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They are visiting the school, place of work, etc etc and their home address is in Arizona nough said!!! They come home for the holidays and when they are not working, schooling they are home during the summer (personal resident).

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Oh just make sure they keep their Arizona lic and they will be fine

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New mexico has a dual residency clause for students. If you're a full time student, you can apply as a resident in your home state and new mexico.

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Sure you can!!! But if you ever get pulled over by game and fish and the AZ lic don't match up it might raise an eyebrow. I don't see a reason for the child to get an out of state lic

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Your residency is determined by a state issued ID as you can't have 2 state issued IDs. The IRS considers students attending out of state as residents of thier home state. Game and Fish departments cross reference this if stopped and checked.


If your kid gets a driver's license in another state and you apply them as residents, you're asking for trouble.


If your kids like to hunt, don't play games when it comes to residency and obtaining hunting licenses and tags. :)

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Do you pay out of state tuition for them? If yes then they are AZ residents.

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My daughter went to Creighton University in Omaha Neb. It is a private school and tuition is the same for everyone resident or non-resident. I called G&F and they told me she could still apply as a resident if she was a full-time student. I only bought her points while she was gone so we never had an actual tag. Now she lives in NM and I wish I would have purchased her a lifetime license before she left.


I recommend you call G&F and get your questions answered.

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Interesting question. I will tell you my experience. I went to private college outside AZ where residency did not impact tuition rates. After arriving I obtained a drivers license for that state, paid rent for three months, and continuously resided there for the same amount of time. At which point I bought a resident hunting license, deer tag, elk tag, fishing licenses and misc other permits included with their bundled combination tag permit option. A few days later game and fish came to my home to verify my residency. I had not lived there for six months and therefore did not meet the states definition of residency. I ended up in a court battle for a few months. As part of the process they checked to see if I had pulled any AZ licenses and permits. I had not and that was a driving factor in the charges being dropped despite me technically having violated the law. Take it from me that it's not worth messing around with residency issues.


AZ has its own definition of residency. Here is a link.




Residency really has nothing to do with a drivers license, although that may be a consideration if other criteria are in question.


Also, I never call and ask AZGFD questions about legality. They are not lawyers. And even the LEO's are only enforcing their interpratation of the law, which is subject to judgement from a prosecutor and judge. If you call you will only get one persons opinion of the law. You are much better off reading the regulations or statutes and making your own determination.


Good luck!

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This isn't a first person issue for me, it was more just a topic for conversation. I do have kids in other states but not under this scenario.


Interesting takes on it though.

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