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Gr8 White Jr

AZGFD Draw System

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Well Gr8 White Jr... I think its a good thing you didnt get drawn for your 1st choice... There are a lot of baby pigs in that unit that can sleep at night knowing your not going to try to hunt them.


Ha Ha!

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"I took your advise and sent a letter to the Director, Deputy Director and all five commissioners."


Let us know what happens.


Bill Quimby



Wednesday evening I recieved a call from Commissioner Mike Golightly. I discussed the situation with him for about ten minutes or so and he informed me that there was nothing that he or anybody else at the game and fish department could do for me. I really wasn't expecting to hear back from anybody so I was very pleased that he took the time to contact me. Oh well! I'll make the best of my hunt. Next year I will remember not to put a 2nd choice on my javelina application.

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Well Gr8 White Jr... I think its a good thing you didnt get drawn for your 1st choice... There are a lot of baby pigs in that unit that can sleep at night knowing your not going to try to hunt them.


Ha Ha!




How many javelina tags have you filled?

Thats why they will sleep sound and feel as relaxed as ever knowing that you have that unit.


Ha ha ha! :lol:


Just kiddin bud! :P


I'll have just as much, if not more, fun watching you tag one.

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No Comment! HA HA


thats ok .... I am sure there will be one pig in your unit you can tag... And dont worry the javalina population will still be safe..... until january 2nd at 8:45am...... premonition... what can i say.

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If only we lived in a perfect world.

Although I sympathize with those who didn't get drawn; if you did get drawn than be happy. Be glad you get the opportunity to hunt. There are lots of us who didn't get drawn regardless of our choices.

I don't mean to be a hard butt, but there is no such thing as a perfect system. If you know of one, I'll buy it from you for thousands and I'll make millions $$$...


It's amazing the things we are "allowed" to bitch about. Sometimes we should just be thankful about the opportunities we are give instead of what we are NOT given.


Scott G.

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The same thing happend to me last year on the archery hunts, I was so pissed off. Why even have choices if they wont give you what you put in for. EVEN WHEN THERE ARE TAGS LEFT OVER.

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Ya know, I understand what you are complaining about. The AGFD is obviously working on the stated goals of "Creating More Opportunity". The needs of the Many outweigh the needs or wants of just one. If we put in on the AGFD draw, we have to follow their rules.

Sounds like AGFD commissioners will be supporting sHrillary with a plan like that!

Individual rights are not important. Just take care of the "big Picture" and to he77 with the individual.

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I hear all these stories and believe most of them- there is still a human element involved. I have two quick examples: A friend was drawn for a muzzleloader deer hunt a few years ago- he doesn't own a smoke pole and ONLY applies for Dec WT tags as he is a school teacher and can only hunt during the Christmas break. He went down to G&F to complain that he didn't apply for this hunt. They pulled his app (the original) and someone had written in additional choices in PENCIL in an obvious different handwriting! Either someone at the Post Office has a sick sense of humor or someone in the draw dept was trying to sell more permits.


The second one is that a friend of mine got drawn for an elk tag this year that he didn't even put in for!!! He didn't want to raise a stink for fear that when they found the mistake, they would take his tag away!


It doesn't take much for a computer operator to , after being bribed, put you in for 100 bonus points- almost guarantying that you will draw. I have seen too many important, influential people draw multiple <5% odds tags in the same year and succeeding years to believe it's coincidental.


Nope, there are still problems down there.

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