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If you look up "STUD BUCK" in the dictionary....

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This is mother nature so it shouldn't offend anyone :unsure: i hope :ph34r: PM me if it does.......






What do ya think this set would score..........I'M talking about the SET of ANTLERS :angry: ......... :lol: :P






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What a huge set of....uhhh....antlers!! haha


Was that natural or did it occur because of the shot placement??

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Boy, those pictures bring back some horrible memories.





I was on medication for a month to get rid of that problem. :lol: :lol: :huh:

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Maybe there were no doe's in his area? :unsure:








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i do believe that deer coulda been taken with a well placed fastball or a swift kick

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i do believe that deer coulda been taken with a well placed fastball or a swift kick



HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Good one! That hurt to even think about. LOL!!!

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Obviously a hybrid :lol: :lol:


Or maybe someone has been spiking the salt lick with viagra?

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I hear the "stud fees" on that fenced operation are out of this world <_< Dang "Caned' hunts <_<


Lance ;)

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