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Foundry Man

Coues Deer Bronze >> Progress

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Well, I have been working on the Bronze for the buck contest. I am almost finished. I am just tweeking the final details. Here are some pictures. If you have any comments, advise, critical suggestions ect... let me know. this bronze is for you, so I want you to like it.>>Jason




Here is what I started with, wax chips.




then I melt them down to a warm "peanut butter" that I can mold like clay.




This is me working.



Well, what do you all think?>>jason

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Here is a picture to show scale, (I put my scope in, because Fatfootdoc likes to look at it :P ).




This is my studio, (it's a huge mess in this pict)



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Nice. Do you do the foundry work yourself? What would it cost to cast in bronze something I might do? Reply to my email, billrquimby@cs.com if you prefer.


Bill Quimby

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awesome work as usual Jason!!


I still want you do do a bronze of my dogs on point on a Mearns!!


or a bronze similar to these!! only instead of Bobwhites, its MEARNS!!






I still have a clay I'm working on.. Its a bull Himalyan Tahr running hard downhill.. I would love to have ya cast it as well when I finish it.

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For the brinze, I suggest you find somewhere to insert my name, as well as the score of my buck ( im thinkin 119 is the lucky number) You need space for 12 letters :)

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Looks really cool Foundryman! It's great to have so many talented artists around here!


Do you have a closeup photo looking at it front on? I would kind of like to see it that way.



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Sorry Jason :(

I think you need to start all over :unsure:

Rather than waste all the fuel to melt that one back down

Send it to me so I can show it off (i mean make fun of you) :P

Looks great ;)

You do great work


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Nice job Jason- maybe I'll set up practice over by you... thinking about it. I get one day next week to try and kill me a coues to win the contest. I'd like to own that bronze..so sweet..

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Hey Houston. Well, after you get all yer student loans paid off from dental school, you can become one of my collectors, then I can pay off mt student loans!! :( Glad you like the sculpture. I may do another one and make an edition. I'll put them in the Coues Store, and give a big huge discout to Members. Well, good luck on your one day hunt!!>>Jason

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You sure called me out on your spotter, I was rushing to get to the end to make mention of your mistress and you had already owned me about it :lol: That is an awesome bronze in progress!! How is gimpy? ag

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