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Guest oneshot

Mannchester, UK

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Guest oneshot

Bombing a pop-concert packed with children is a new level of savgery, brought to the World by islam. A Nations's only reason for being is to protect it's citizens. This latest attack by a barbaric, cruel, ideology is only a sign of what to come to America's shore's, unless a stand against this cult-of-death is made.


Historicly, an ideology is changed by either education or at the end of a gun barrel...

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From my experience violence is the only thing they understand.


Sadly, there will continue to be Manchesters and the enemy will continue to find new ways to cut us deeper until we as a nation and across the globe decide that enough is enough.


"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things: the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth a war, is much worse." - John Stuart Mill (ironically a British Philosopher)

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Snopes says it isn't so, but it is interesting about the story of how Black Jack Pershing handled the Muslims when he was the Governor of the Philippines.

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Deeply disturbing but not surprising. These pigs worship hate and death.


Tuned into Fox news as the story unfolded only to hear Shep Twinkie Smith defend Obama's war on terrorism. What a joke.

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if they started wrapping the bodies of terrorists in pig skins and burying them it might change a few minds, pigs are unclean and will keep them from Heaven.

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John Kerry - Climate Change more dangerous than terrorism


Loretta Lynch - Most effective weapon we have to fight ISIS is love.




SO GLAD, these fools are gone.

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Guest oneshot

Terror Attack

Protocols we all know by now...

1.This has nothing to do with islam

2. The bomber was a mentally ill lone-wolf

3.Those who object to 1and 2 are racist,bigot,sexist, islamaphobes

4. Blame Trump

5. Change fbpage cover to flag of Country affected

6.Light some candles, hold a vigil, go on peace/solidarity march

7. Continue to support politicians who refuse to admit there is a problem with radical extremists, while working to make people less safe by pushing for open Borders

8. Wait for next attack

9. Repeat

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