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Chronograph help

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Looking to buy my first Chronograph and was hoping you guys could tell me what you would buy today? Going to split cost with my dad so not worried as much about cost, but would like user friendly and quality.


Appreciate any help you can provide.



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Hands down, the Magnetospeed is what I would buy if I were looking.


The Ohler 35 is a good unit too. And the LabRadar is awesome, but pricey.


All that being said, I use a fairly cheap Chrony unit, but I just used mine to get close, and then verify drops and true my ballistics with LR confirmation.

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Just bought a magneto speed. Ease of use was the deciding factor for me. No tripod to set up, which can be a pain if you are at a busy range.

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  On 5/12/2017 at 10:24 PM, lancetkenyon said:

Hands down, the Magnetospeed is what I would buy if I were looking.


Thats what i have heard too.

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I have a Magneto speed and highly recommend them. I also have a CED. It is now only used for bows and pistols.

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Thanks From what I have read I was leaning towards the MagnetoSpeed but wanted to check here first. Do you use a printer too?

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  On 5/12/2017 at 10:30 PM, coueswt said:

Thanks From what I have read I was leaning towards the MagnetoSpeed but wanted to check here first. Do you use a printer too?

The v3 that i read about stores data on an sd card.

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I have the beta master chrony. Having the remote is nice, but the overall unit is difficult and quirky. Once you learn how to use it it is ok though. Nice to use with everything from bows to rifles.


Never used a different one so I don;t know if I like mine or not. I just accept it for what it is.

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Yes V3 is awesome

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I don't know about everybody else, but I don't like having a chronograph that affects my point of impact and possibly group size.

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  On 5/12/2017 at 11:27 PM, firstcoueswas80 said:

I don't know about everybody else, but I don't like having a chronograph that affects my point of impact and possibly group size.

I read that also.

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The guy next to me at the range today had a LabRadar. It was reading my rifle as well as his. He felt it was probably due to a setup error on his part as he was just getting used to the thing. He did mention it drained batteries pretty quick.


The magneto speed can load the data to a micro SD card. It also has an internal memory that will hold the strings.


If you do go with a Magneto Speed the one thing to pay attention to is the set-up gauge provided with the unit. Use it. If you get the gap to far off you can get erratic readings.


Yes, being attached to the barrel the Magneto Speed does have some potential to cause POI or grouping issues. I have not had a big problem with it. As long as it remains secured in place there seems to be a level of consistency to the effect it has.

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