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Spring/Fall Point Accumulation

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Quick sanity check--


For species like Bison, Turkey, Javelina where they have a spring and fall draw--- you can only earn one point per year total, correct? Then I can cash them in for either spring of fall when I decide to try and draw.


Ex- When I started applying in AZ the OCT draw (for spring) was over already. So I put in for points for all 3 species in the draw in June along with my Deer app. Since my strategy is just to build points for a bit there is no harm to gain my points during the 'fall' draw?



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What trophyseeker said. That why some guys have like 40 something bison points. As for javelina I think you'll get rejected because fall javelina is for youth only I believe. But yeah the turkey and bison you're good to go for multiple points a year.

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What trophyseeker said. That why some guys have like 40 something bison points. As for javelina I think you'll get rejected because fall javelina is for youth only I believe. But yeah the turkey and bison you're good to go for multiple points a year.


Correct on all accounts. I've been buying fall and spring bonus points for turkey since Fall 2008. And, yes, fall javelina is youth only so you can't buy that point.

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Good to know! I checked my account at AZGFD and I can see my Bison and Turkey points from last year but no Javelina point-- I'm gonna dig through emails because I don't remember not being able to apply. Did they take my $ and then no point?

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According to my draw sheet on the website I didn't put in for Javelina at all in 2016 so I guess it must have gotten cancelled out at some point.

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You do loose the App fee if rejected, and there was an open draw for it. Tried it once in the fall for elk, and they returned my money order with a letter stating there was no open draw for that species during that cycle. You can apply for just a point in the fall for Javelina.

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