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I just wanted to say hello and introduce myself to those of you who do not know me. My name is Josh Smith, I'm a senior at ASU majoring in Conservation Biology. 8 year Army vet (Airborne Military Police) 30 years old and married with no kids. Kind of a Jack of all trades master of none type of guy. I spend most of my time hunting birds in season or flyfishing. Occasionally I draw a big game tag. So far it has been a pair of archery pig tags (filled 1) and an archery bull tag(choked) and this year I have a Dec WT tag in 33. I have a great bunch of guys helping me out. I'm fortunate in that respect that I have some great friends who also happen to be great hunters. If successful this will be my first deer. My wife also has a tag for the same hunt(her first too), naturally she gets the first shot. Thats more of a time available to hunt thing than a chivalry thing but she thinks its both and I'm fine with that. She only has the opening weekend while I can hunt the whole season if necessary.


I look forward to sharing the story of my hunt and reading the stories of yours.

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Welcome to the site mr. smith.


I was raised a U of A fan but am glad to see that ASU is having a great season. :D


Great tag you have there. My son and I will be in 33 for the November hunt.

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Dude, You drew my DREAM TAG......Please let us all know how you do this winter. Terry

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Welcome to the site mr. smith! Make sure to take lots o' pic's and post em' up for us to see! JIM>

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Good god man! what a way to start out your tag drawing process!!! that is the tag to have! I have a December 36b tag ( aint that right everyone :) ) Kill a good un!

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Welcome and good luck!!!

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Welcome to ya Josh. I have been enjoying your posts while lurking at AZFlyandTie. Good luck in 33 come December and you can share some pics and a yarn.



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Welcome to the site Mr. Smith and good luck to you and Mrs. Smith on your upcoming hunt. Like everyone else said.....take a lot of pics and make sure and share your hunt with us regardless of the out come.



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Welcome to the site. Look forward to hearing about you and your wifes hunt.

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Thanks for the welcome. I kinda pride myself on my story telling so hopefully I will have a good one for ya all. Success or defeat, I'm sure it will be worth retelling. Plus pictures.

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I keep going to new web sites to get away from you, and somehow you find me. Do I need a restraining order/ Please, no one bring up global warming, I beg of you, don't. :lol:

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  ac guy said:
I keep going to new web sites to get away from you, and somehow you find me. Do I need a restraining order/ Please, no one bring up global warming, I beg of you, don't. :lol:

:rolleyes: I don't know why you don't like global warming. It's good for your business. :P

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