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Hey United Airlines...

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Apparently, I'm one of the few that feel this way, but


This story is a joke. I've seen people step off a plane before when asked. Granted, they usually take care of the need for the seat before people step on, BUT If you are asked to get off the plane and refuse, then yes, your butt is going to be dragged off. It doesn't matter what airline. I love his little crying like a baby.

While on the plane, he called the airlines and they confirmed that he needed to get off. He was asked several times to leave on his own, and most videos left that part out.


The reason he refused....he is a doctor and had clients the next morning. BFD. What a PR mess/joke

I agree with you.

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I don't think there is a thing that doctor can do. He is on private property and if you read the fine print they can basically do what they want. Once he started refusing to obey and get mouthy he can be charged for being disruptive. So it may end up being him that pays in the end. After 9/11 they don't mess around with people on airlines.

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This problem was a civil matter. A contract dispute. The airline escalated it to violence. They didn't over sell the flight, they wanted to move 4 crew members. Once they let you on the plane and you have a seat, unless you are belligerent, causing a scene or trouble, it's pretty hard to bump you. Possession is 9/10ths of the law. They could have solved this by upping the offers for volunteers, everybody has their price.


Before saying this man should have gotten off the plane, how would you have acted if you were being kicked off a plane when you are enroute to a hunt or funeral or family emergency?

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I was on United the other day coming back from Houston and the flight was overbooked. They asked for volunteers and about 6 people jumped up and volunteered. I have no idea how they can possibly overbook a flight. If I charge something on a credit card I get an email before I can put me wallet away. So they have to know how many seats have been booked.

They know exactly how many they have sold. They are counting on several people to not show up. This is part of their business model, all airlines do it. If they didn't, flights would be more expensive.



I was with American Airlines last January on my flight to Sonora Mexico. I booked the flight 7 months prior. One week before my flight they call me and re-scheduled my flight. I was going to fly on a Saturday. They told me I either change my flight to the prior Wednesday or Friday because the flight was already sold out or full. Also, I supposed to get back to Yuma the following Saturday around 5:30 or 6 pm. Well..I had to wait 7 hrs in the Phoenix Airport to catch the next flight to Yuma.

While I was there...there was this young lady with a 3 month old baby that couldn't flight to Yuma because the airplane was full so she was told to wait till the following day to fly to Yuma.


They should not be overselling tickets, I think is B. S.!

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I am glad this event happen, hopefully the airlines will be forced to change their practices.


Thankfully I am A-List Preferred and fly Southwest every opportunity possible. I have flown United, American and Delta a couple of times this year.... the last 3 are terrible. United screwed me on a connecting flight in San Fran...


Anybody siding with the airline hasn't been burned by them... I know a family with smaller kids that had their entire flight home from Cancun canceled - and they where told the next flight wouldn't be for 3 days later... this was while they where at the airport.

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Southworst is just as bad. Friends flying down last week. Plane delayed due to mechanical issue and missed their connecting flight. It is 8 am. Southworst said next flight not until 2 pm. I get online and there is a delta flight at 9:30 with available seats. I text him a picture Of flight info. Southworst would not put him on the Delta flight!!

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Nice to hear from you Sundevil especially since UA has kicked ASU butt in every sporting event.. LOL


Southwest is the best of the worst.


Canceling a flight due mechanic problems - how dare they.


The 4 United crew members that "had to board" for another flight.... which was the next day.... could have drove- it is a 4 hours drive

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I was watching the news, and it said United Airlines increased their Compensation Cap from $1150 to $9950 because of all this. Lots of people said they wouldn't give up there seat for $10k, I suppose if the situation justifies it then most people can't be bought, example of plane flight to see family for Christmas or something along those lines, you never know until your in that situation, but $10k is a lot of money...


They also said that United put out a job ad look for a new experienced PR person ... ha ha

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I am not for either party in this matter. Both sides could have handled it better. Airlines suck, and so do alot of these idiot passengers. I would have taken a big dollar voucher. Get a free flight or two out of it.


If the lottery Gods smile on me, I will just buy my own Jet, and the crappy airlines can stuff it. LOL.

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The funny thing is that United Airlines was not the party that drug him out, it was Airport security. We have strict protocols to involve airport security and the man is in violation of federal law by not listening to the gate agent or flight crew. When you go beyond the gate agent you are in a secured area and security measures aren't taken lightly. Overbooking is prominent with all airlines as there is usually quite a few people that don't show up for their fights.

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Can you even read Red??? Apparently not. That Nogales North education served you well. I never said the flight was cancelled. It was delayed which caused them to miss their connecting flight. Than SW made them wait 6 hrs for the next SW flight when there was a Delta flight 1.5 hrs later. Why don't you try reading before you speak?!?!?

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I was on United the other day coming back from Houston and the flight was overbooked. They asked for volunteers and about 6 people jumped up and volunteered. I have no idea how they can possibly overbook a flight. If I charge something on a credit card I get an email before I can put me wallet away. So they have to know how many seats have been booked.

They know exactly how many they have sold. They are counting on several people to not show up. This is part of their business model, all airlines do it. If they didn't, flights would be more expensive.

Some airlines overbook much more than their rival carriers. Delta flew a quarter of a trillion passenger miles in 2015, ranking the company #2. But only had to bump 300 passengers all year. And when doing so, offered a far more generous compensation package that does United.


When you book a flight get an assigned seat. Those without or bargain flyers are bumped first.



When I flew them a couple of weeks ago I had my seat changed three times after I booked the flight. Same thing about 7 years ago going to Hawaii. That one was worse as we were moved from window seats, twice, to the first row in the middle and stared at the wall for five hours.

Al least the flights were on time.



The whole bumping passengers things is just horrible practice by United and all the other air lines.. I get it, the Dr. should have just swallowed his pride and accept the offer but United handled it horribly so they deserve what they get and good for the doctor for lawyering up.


This is standard policy for all carriers not just United. It is a pain in the butt but that is the way it works. Airlines operate on very tight margins of profit, usually single digit margins of profitability. Flight crews are not to blame and we want to get everybody where they need to go but you have to keep in mind our options to do so are limited sometimes.

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