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No Luck For Me This year

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Well I didnt get to fill me tag this year but some good stories though. Me and my buddy who had never shot a white tail before went out this weekand for our hunt. I had told him that I would wiat till he filled his tag before I went after a deer. I also told him to make sure he was comfortable shooting out to 300 yards. Well opening morning I glass up two bucks one 3x that would have gone about 90 inches. They were accross a conyon at about 250 yards I said I will take the smaller one after you take the big one. So he gets set up to shoot and BOOOOM you missed and agian he missed SIX times before the deer ran off. Well we decide to jump over to another ridge and see if we can find them agian. We get set up I am on top of the ridge and he is five yards below me I hear him say BUCk well there was a basket buck standing about 20 yards from me wich is what I thought he was talking about. So I say take him now hurry he is going over the top. Little did I know he was talking about the deer accross the ridge wich he shot at twice and missed. Well By this time I am getting frustrated so jump the next ridge and glass for about an hour. By this time I decide hey lets go back have some lunch and get back out for tonight. We were talking about it and packing up when this little one antlered spike comes up 20 yards from us and this time he didnt miss.


The next morning we went back to the same spot we saw the 3x and he was there agian I got set up and was just about to let him have when two guys on horse back spooked them into the brush. Those were the last two bucks we saw. O well maybe I can get one with my bow!

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