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another opening day buck

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Me and a couple of buddies headed out opening day and at first light glassed up this buck and and a bigger buck. Well long story short my friend put him down with a 450 yd shot. 4 hours of heck hiking his deer out really left me hurting for the next couple days. We ran out of water half way to the vehicle. My friend rough measured him and he hit right at 104 inches. We still have 2 more tags to fill. Congratulations to all who have filled there tags. Sorry about the blood guys.






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Super Buck. Love that Claw on the Left side!

Congratulations! What unit were you in?

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Great buck, and awesome pictures!!! I love the hand-shake shot..... Good friends make the hunt!


Kudos! Thanks for sharing.





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Nice work. Cool buck!

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Super buck! Congrats to your buddy and like it was said awesome pics...especially the handshake. That really captures the spirit of the hunt doesn't it!


Thanks for sharing.



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Wow, big head and big body. Managing water and heat was tough this year. Congrats.

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Thanks guys for all the replys. Ya that was a cool pic of the handshake. It wasn't my intent to catch that pic but, it was a great pic anyways. all three of us have been out since opening day and have seen a million doe and fawns but no bucks. I'll see if i can get some more pics of the antlers. Good luck guys on the last day of your hunts!

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