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That is a great buck you should be very proud of. Tell us the whole story...........Allen.............


No kiddin there I was knee deep in 60 brass and grenade pins . . . nothing left but my MRE spoon, the long brown one. . . . oh wait wrong story . . .



I was actually driving up the road with my hunting buddy. . . I looked off to my right and saw a bunch of canyons kind of coming together. . . and then I got that "special feeling" you guys know "that" feeling. I said "I got a feeling about this place"

I jerked the truck off the road and out we went.

We walked a couple hundred yards and finally found some sign! Fresh sign!

We crept into the canyon and started glassing, a small buck popped into view. We saw another, a small spike.

I told my friend where there's two bucks there are four, so keep watching. Then a tall 3 pt walked out into view. He was nice, my friend told me to shoot him. . . I was a little hesitant, but entertaining the thought.

After a minute they spotted us and began walking off. Thats when I saw this guy walk across!

I said a good one! 26 inches!

I watched them go zigzag up and over the ridge.

We busted butt to get over there and in front of them a little bit.

When we topped out the other side, my buddy saw that tall 3pt. There he is he said. Shoot him!

I was in my binos trying to get him still and sized up when I saw this guy.

I said A 4 pt!

Shoot him, he's moving away he said. He never even saw this buck, only I did.

I bounced back and forth between the tall 3 and this four pt, I never saw his other side, he only showed me his good side ha ha ha.

I decided on this one just as the other bucks started off over another ridge.

I knew it was only a matter of seconds before this guy would see them and follow.

I was so winded that I could not get my scope to settle on his chest, I was high four feet, then low four feet.

I was excited AND winded. . . the worst!

Finally I just went with the "time it and jerk the trigger kind of thing"

I ended up hitting him just a hair higher than I would have liked, but he dropped like a dirty wet shirt.

My friend saw him just as the bullet blasted a big clump of hair and lung material out the other side.

BAM! my 7Mag echoed through the canyon! just under 200 yards I figured.

He dropped in his tracks and only kicked one time! Just like in the videos I thought.

We walked straight over to him. And then I saw he was a 3x4. But oh man were we excited! PUMPED!

I got my tag out and unloaded the rifle and let the celebration begin!

I knew he wasn't huge for Kaibab, but he was sure huge for me!

Thanks for listening.

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That is a great looking buck, congratulations on a job well done. Now the only question is how long will it take to get another tag and do it again?



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Steve would you quit talkin about how he's not big by Kaibab standards! Everytime I've been up there it seems every camp that has a deer hanging in it is usually a flippin small 2 or 3pt. I'd say you did dang good bro!! Congrats on a fine trophy! That thing smell and taste like sage?

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Steve would you quit talkin about how he's not big by Kaibab standards! Everytime I've been up there it seems every camp that has a deer hanging in it is usually a flippin small 2 or 3pt. I'd say you did dang good bro!! Congrats on a fine trophy! That thing smell and taste like sage?


ha ha thanks Josh.

It was a inch think in fat, we pulled handfuls of fat off this guy, he's gonna be good eating! I'll call you over for some BBQ when I get him back cool?

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Congratulations Steve, what a sweet buck! That thing will look nice on the wall overlooking your living room. Hope it dont take you another 6 years to get the next one.

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Congratulations Steve, what a sweet buck! That thing will look nice on the wall overlooking your living room. Hope it dont take you another 6 years to get the next one.


Thanks Darren I just now figured out this was you ha ha ha I never pay attention!

I want to show it to Coach Mier, do you have his email?

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I'll show up for the BBQ only if I can bring some whitetail, that mule deer tastes like crap. Deal? How bout some awesome summer sausage from my elk? GIDDY-UP!!

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what a nice buck,be happy to get one that caliber,is tuesday the 30,I leave tomorrow for the same hunt couldnt go the whole hunt cause of work,I have a muzzleloader bull tag the 16th in unit 6 ,so had to save some time for that.Will be hunting wednesday afternoon thru sunday,hopefully alot of the 175 tags have left.Just like to say congratulations ,hope I can do as well......awesome buck,wish me luck :)

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Nice buck man; be proud, happy, and satisfied. You have a rack for the wall, a hide for the recliner, and a freezer full of venison. Does it get any better than that?

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I'll show up for the BBQ only if I can bring some whitetail, that mule deer tastes like crap. Deal? How bout some awesome summer sausage from my elk? GIDDY-UP!!



ha ha ha ha I'll call you.

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That's an awesome Kaibab buck! Just 'cause it's on the 'Bab doesn't mean it's gotta be a 200" inch freak to be big! That's a toad in my book! Huge congrats to you on a great deer! JIM>

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My buck was published in an outdoor magazine! Took a little while to get it up but I wanted you all to have a look.

Check it out by clicking the magazine picture link below and going to page 28.

please excuse the typos . . . not mine. :P


Direct Link


or go to www.azod.com and click on the magazine cover with the four people behind the elk to go read the online article.


There is also a downloadable .pdf file that may work better for you.

PDF link


Thanks for looking ;)

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