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Wyoming Antelope/ Deer Winter Death rate

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I was 100% on board to plan to hunt antelope in Wyoming for 2017, but I heard from another hunter that they are having a 90% fawn death rate because winter is lot harsher this year. I think that is the right wordage. But I did find a link in January that Game and Fish announce that there will be more antelope and deer death this winter. They stated more snow and colder weather this year. Any body else hear anything about this. I don't want to blow my preference point on a bad year

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The Deer in the western half of the state are in rough shape! The Antelope in most areas are ok. I was going to wait another year to burn my antelope points, but after talking to the game and fish I decided it wasn't going to be that bad.

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Thats good to know. Wish 2 hunt thats what I thought. If your going to hunt it, it be better to do it know before you feel the long term affects

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I'm in the same boat on Colorado deer. I have 17 pts and could probably grab a pretty good tag this year because of all they hype but dunno how bad it really is. My experience with winterkill here in ND is it usually gets the fawns and the sick but the mature and up and coming bucks are ok but it might be different in the mountains.

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But winter kill of mature bucks sure would.


One of Wyoming Educational youtube vids on the site for 2017 stated fawns, old deer, and weak deer and maybe some mature deer would be the victims this season

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Not trying to sway anyone one way or the other on applying, but the winter-kill is really limited to the Western 1/3rd of Wyoming. I think there will be some losses to mature bucks, both pronghorn and deer there.


The remainder of the State is actually in great shape.


The winter in the eastern 2/3 of the State has been about average, and we had some really good weather in February and March.

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Buzz is correct. I have buddy in Casper and He's not to cerned with the eastern half of the State.............BOB!

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I was planning on Central to some of those units west of Casper. Should that be ok? I wasn't going to be putting in for the prime Units like 60 and 61 but it sounds like those got hammered?

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I think it really depends on where you are planning on hunting. Just found out antelope unit I am planning on hunting in north central WY has added about 25% more tags than last year. Eastern part of the state deer numbers are also up. I wouldn't hunt western WY for a few years if I had to burn points to do so.

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I think it really depends on where you are planning on hunting. Just found out antelope unit I am planning on hunting in north central WY has added about 25% more tags than last year. Eastern part of the state deer numbers are also up. I wouldn't hunt western WY for a few years if I had to burn points to do so.


Problem with eastern Wyoming is all the private land and checkered board. I notice your from Worland. Been through there a few times. Welcome to the site

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You are right. If you don't know someone, eastern WY is a tough place to hunt. I should have mentioned that in the post, wasn't the intent to mislead anyone. I was just trying to say that it still could be a good year up here. Depending on the number of preference points and a little research, a good antelope hunt is still possible and the death rate isn't that bad in the entire state. My father in law is putting in on the special draw with only a few points in a unit that would usually take much more and he may have a good chance to draw as it seems like a lot of people are planning on sitting out the draw this year.


Anyway, thanks for the welcome. I have been in Worland one year today, moved here from Flagstaff. Which means a resident license and draw for this guy. Kind of excited, especially since I struck out in the AZ draw. I picked up the lifetime license before leaving AZ, looking forward to many trips south in the future.

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