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For those who can't afford the Swarovski BTX

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If I had vision in both eyes I'd be all over this. I wonder if it would work/come to focus with the 100 Pentax. Being that it accepts 1.25 inch eyepieces a guy could choose between hundreds of eyepiece choices. Heck I think I'll get one and see if I can find an eyepiece that will give me 15-20x on one side and 35-40x on the other. Then I could quickly switch back and forth between low and high power when ever I need. I could also use one side for glassing and the other to video through while I'm glassing. Yea buddy!

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I have an Olivon prism that I use with one of my telescopes and it's a quality piece of optic. If this binoviewer is of the same quality then I think it would work pretty dang good. I just checked and Olivon makes a 100mm ed spotting scope that I think could work extremely well with this. My biggest concern with this would be long term durability. Don't know if these binoviewers would stay aligned after a few rough hunting seasons.

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