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It's just about time!!

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Time to check over your list and pack er up, it's time to go huntin'! Packing in this year and I hope I remember everything. Anyone ever pack in and forget something important? If so what was it? I packed in some water and my tent last weekend and forgot to cover my tent, luckily it didn't rain. I hope thats the only thing I forget.

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I've been packing for two weeks and I ain't even packing in.....I have to go over it a hundred times in my head or I forget the important things....like my gun.........When I was first married, getting ready to go hunting I made a mistake. My wife asked me if I had everything I needed and I turned to her and said, all I need is my gun.....that didn't set right with her......and she reminds me every year when I start packing......two days and counting........

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When I took my oldest boy on his first big game hunt about 15 years ago I would constantly remind him (rag) to make sure he had his license,tag,ammo etc. etc. Well we found two bucks together and he shot his first buck with a perfectly placed shot, handed me the rifle and I shot the other buck, not 10 seconds apart. It was a hunt I will never forget, we made our way over to his buck and he placed his tag on his first buck, I was so proud! We then made our way over to my buck, when I went to find my tag in my pack it was not there!! I then got a very familiar lecture from my son about how I should always make sure I have my license,tag,ammo etc. I hiked back to camp and found my tag in my truck..............................so I double,triple,and quadruple check for license,tag,ammo etc.


That hunt was one of most special hunts ever for me.


God bless your soul Trampus, I love you. 1978 - 1998

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A couple of years ago we were in route to our hunting spot when I looked over at my wife and asked her if she

had OUR tags. :unsure:


She responded with a NO and I knew at that point to keep my mouth shut since she did most of the packing anyway. :ph34r:


So needless to say that was a longer than normal drive!

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I, too, forgot my cow elk tag about two years.




I had to call the wife, who was NOT very happy about bringing it up to me, 2 1/2 hours away. :angry:


OOPS :blink:


I won't do that again! :lol:

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I've made my list, but it doesn't look like there is enough stuff on it. Oh crap I just know I'm going to forget something.



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We got all the way down to 34A all the way back to the camping spot 1 hour on the interstate and about 1.5 hours on dirt, went to get a frosty beverage and there were no ice chests :angry: . All the food, drinks, everything. I was 18 my brother was 14 and we had never heard our dad use foul language. I mean really foul language, he is a fairly soft spoken professional man, he frequently used the staples like S*!T, A$& H*!E etc.. But he let go with a string of obsenities that would make the dice man blush :o . The funniest thing about it was pronunciation of the words, it is not some thing I can really do justice in writing, you really had to witness it. And the lucky few of us that were there to hear it, it will go down as one of the funniest moments in our family hunting trips :lol: . And if you know our family that says a whole lot. Needless to say, he dropped eveything out of the truck and proceeded to make the nearly 5 hour round trip to get the icechests in about 3.5 hours.

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Pack, nothing like hunting with your kids is there. They have a way of never letting you forget the sermons......good story....my boy who was going to gunsmithing school at the time had just blued my.270 for me.


Months later as I packed to go to Unit 10 deer hunting, I threw in my .270 and my 22-250 for backup. I had always preached to my boys about pre-season shooting to make sure your gun in good to go, but I was coaching and hadn't taken the time.


Opening morning, I pull out the trusty old .270 and realized that my scope had never been completely remounted and sighted in after the blue job......so I shoved it back into it's case and brought out the trusty 22-250. But my boy has never let me forget about "preseason" routine.

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Pack, nothing like hunting with your kids is there. They have a way of never letting you forget the sermons......good story....my boy who was going to gunsmithing school at the time had just blued my.270 for me.


Months later as I packed to go to Unit 10 deer hunting, I threw in my .270 and my 22-250 for backup. I had always preached to my boys about pre-season shooting to make sure your gun in good to go, but I was coaching and hadn't taken the time.


Opening morning, I pull out the trusty old .270 and realized that my scope had never been completely remounted and sighted in after the blue job......so I shoved it back into it's case and brought out the trusty 22-250. But my boy has never let me forget about "preseason" routine.


How did you like the 22-250 for muley's??


Wife has a tag this weekend and is using her 22-250 and just wanted to hear what you think of it.

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I shot my 250 for years hunting mule deer in New Mexico and Unit 27 here in AZ, but was kind of skittish about it up in unit 10. That particular season that I messed up with my .270 I did kill a 30" mulie with my 250.

I think one of the reasons I had success with it was I thought I could hit anything with it, where I wanted to......It has worked for me and I am letting my 10 year old use it for our coues hunt this weekend.

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I was going to say carmex.


Last year during my elk hunt I for got the carmex and my lips were so chapped they were bleeding.





Good luck to all!


I am so jealous, I did not draw anything at all. It might have been for the best because I am in nursing school and I don't even have time to take a desent crap anyway. Still jealous though.







God bless...........






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Im so dang excited I can barely stand it!!! I am packing and gettin all my ish together, and i have 16 hours worth of work left then im gone!!! hope they go fast!!

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