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Credit Card update question

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Changed out my credit card this past few months and went to update the ELK draw info for myself and my 28 year old son...

When updating my information, everything related to the credit card information was under my name but when I did his credit card update, it stated his name. I had filled out the apps with all the credit card info falling under my account/name/etc..


Was I correct in making sure all the CC info that was for him to still stay under my name and address as I originally set up that way? (Hope I am making sense!)

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When you update the CC info and submit, a copy of the token is shown on the next screen with all the corrected info. That token is attached to your app. Print that page and you'll be good to go. There is currently a bug in the system that doesn't update the users data page so even through you updated the CC info, it will show the original.

They know of the error and have elected not to mess with it until the draw is over.

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