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Anyone need some Help

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Well, I just got off the phone with FirstGirl and it looks like Old Pops get to stay home this weekend :(

She has made plans to go hunting with friends this coming weekend <_<

Guess the Old Man may as well curl up by the fire place and grab an old Zane Gray book and spend some time with my wife :o :o


Someone has to have a hunt they need help with :unsure: Please :huh:

:lol: :P



Just kidding.

This is all apart of hunting :rolleyes:

We teach them everything we can and then let them learn more on their own and with others.

I have NO problem with this and if you think I will be laying in bed waiting for a call,


I will be out there in a differant location glassing my butt off,

And if I find a good buck and can bed him down I will use one of those electogigamits that Lark talks about and let FirstGirl know what I have found :D


This is GREAT :rolleyes:

No canyons to hike :rolleyes:

No trailing a iffy hit :rolleyes:

No gutting :rolleyes:

No packing :rolleyes:


Could it get any better????????????



Ya :mellow: I could be apart of it ;)


Good luck FirstGirl

Remember what you have learned

Love DAD :D


For Sale.

User Name "GameHauler"

I am back to the "GAMEGETTER" :P


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:lol: Bah HaHaHaHaHa!!!! Dad got his Arse kicked to the curb!!! :lol: Now your a bench warmer, Mike!!! Being a Dad can be such a thankless job, ya know! <_< :( Go out there and find a Biggun'!!!! Then you can show them young Whipper Snappers up!! We killed a monster buck one time, and I found out later my buddies Dad new about the buck but never told his sons cuz they were jackarses to him about hunting and such....... Moral of the story: Never mess the Ol' Man.... it might just cost ya in a big way!!! ;) :rolleyes: :lol: :P :lol:

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I'm gonna need all kinds of help.....


First....my sister in law has a tag, my 22 year old has a tag, (not worried about him) and my wife signed her tag over to my 10 year old.......so yeah, I could use some help........my sister-in-law is afraid of getting robbed, so somebody is going to have to hold her hand the whole time.....I am going to be pulling in about 2am Thursday night, probably sleep in the car or start hiking to my morning glassing spot...............what else could I ask for.....I am stoked to get to go out and help my family try and find the ghost deer......36B here we come.....

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  Coues 'n' Sheep said:
:lol: Bah HaHaHaHaHa!!!! Dad got his Arse kicked to the curb!!! :lol: Now your a bench warmer, Mike!!! Being a Dad can be such a thankless job, ya know! <_< :( Go out there and find a Biggun'!!!! Then you can show them young Whipper Snappers up!! We killed a monster buck one time, and I found out later my buddies Dad new about the buck but never told his sons cuz they were jackarses to him about hunting and such....... Moral of the story: Never mess the Ol' Man.... it might just cost ya in a big way!!! ;) :rolleyes: :lol: :P :lol:



So you think its funny do ya :angry:

Seems to me you were the bench warmer just a year or two ago :P

Now your getting your young hunter back with a new Gleem in his eyes :rolleyes:

It is all apart of it and I am looking forward to her spreading her wings and learning to fly solo.

I just hope she doesn't break a wing on that first crash landing :P ;)


You know, your right about messing with the old man ;)

Think I'll just video the 110" buck I find and show it to her after the hunt :P


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Well since FirstGirl told me I could not hunt this weekend with her I decided I should do something to show her it was OK and to wish her luck.


I had this Good Luck hat made up for her.







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  GameHauler said:
  younghunter said:
I thought she was her daughter not your wife :D

Sorry I didn't edit the pic <_<


Your just not on your A game today I guess.

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FirstGirl just called me and said she wants to hunt with the old man :rolleyes:

She said it was something we have allways done together and she wants me to be there with her :)


I get to hunting in the morning :D


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I don't know what's worse, that you would send your daugher out there wearin' that hat or that you sent her out there with a scattergun??? You really can be cruel sometimes.

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Dag Gum teenagers :angry:

All they want to do is run around and have fun :(

Don't they know it is important to the old man to be proud of them :unsure:

Why the heck can't she take 5 minutes to post up some pictures and a little story :(

Heck! she ran by here today to take a QUICK shower and cut the tenderloins out of it to go PARTY :unsure:


Here is one of the (Dad, Here is the Buck I shot without Ya) pictures at my shop.

Guessing him at 6 1/2 to 7 1/2 years old

Sure would have liked to have seen him in his prime



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Fantastic Buck. I love the Main Beam Length.

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