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In need of a hat

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I am looking for someone that makes custom fit hats. I have worn Cowboy hats most my life. I am looking to have one made for my hunting hat. I have one made in my mind but in all my years of looking i have only found one and my wife said no way becaus it was used and she thought it was sick.

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You must have a weird head like I do, I bought a felt hat that looked best on me and steamed it with an Iron and water into a custom shape and fit, might be a plan B if you can't find a custom hat tailor

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I steam mine also. I use a tea pot on the stove. The thing is i want one with a little smaller crown and brim. kind of like the GUS hat from lonsome dove but not with the slopped top. or even like wayne carltons , but his has the slopped top also and i don't like that top on me.

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I'm not sure when the next Festival of the West will be in Scottsdale but there are usually several custom hatmakers there.

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There MUST be a bunch in the valley. But, I only know of one - http://www.aztexhats.com/. I think this is the place I got mine from, but when I got mine I wasn't in Scottsdale. They might be a tad more expensive with a Scottsdale address. It shouldn't hurt to give 'em a call, though.

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I would not give Empire any money out of my pocket. HAHAHA I used to work for them here in mesa. And a good friend of mine and a couple couisins still work there. I am looking for a cross between the two of the ones in the photos. but not with that ugly silver band. This will be for my hunting and camping trips only. I do not wear one evry day anymore. The ones i have work fine but i am always on the look out for that one hat that will be the right one. oops the photo did not work again

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www.randhats.com They made all of the hats for Lonesome Dove and others. I own one and the quality is there. Not cheap, but you get what you pay for.All Beaver and as many xxx-s as you can afford, Look at the "Drover" model.

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Arizona Hatters in Tucson. I haven't been in there for awhile, but there was a little oriental gal who really knew how to shape hats. They even sold pre shaped Stetsons and did custom shapping and fitting there at the store.

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I worked as a parts puller for a year then moved to shipping and recieving, Then up front in the willcall department. I left there and started Hot shot running for them. I would take parts all over from eastern colarado to rino to california and all the mines here in AZ. My friend is the manager over the rental dpt, And one cousin is in thatcher at the new store. Then another friend is a field service guy. i left Empire about 6 years ago. now i run my plumbing company.

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