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Thought I'd drop a quick line and say howdy to all ya'll.. I've been so busy with the move up here to MT and such that I just haven't had time to drop by as much as I would like.. After I get settled back in, I'll be back for sure..


...in the meantime, here are a few pics of my new home.. all these were taken within 1 hr of my house.. the scenery here is beyond imagination.. its like looking at a painting!


I'll be filling ya'll in on my hunting trips and such here in the coming weeks for sure!! till then...howdy, and congrats to all of ya'll on here that have been successful thus far in your hunts there in AZ!!








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Wow That is gods country. i can't Wait for the CW get together at your place.


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Nice view off the front porch. And the drive to work must be a killer. Flagstaff sure played second fiddle on our Lake Mary. Looking to see a sharptail in a pic soon.



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SWEET - FALL IN MT - NICE PICS!!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:




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Hey, I'll buy the first keg and round of brats. I'll bring my own sleeping quarters! Let us know when? You live in a bueautiful place! Enjoy it!

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Glad to see you have had some time to look around! Good luck getting settled and don't enjoy it too much.... you'll have plenty of time to do it in the future!

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Hey Scotty, best wishes to you and your family. Keep the little one bundled up this winter. I love the scenery you've got up there but just remember, we got coues! :P

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